Gann’s Scientific Methods Unveiled (Volume 1 and 2)

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Gann’s Scientific Methods Unveiled was the first book devoted entirely to the topic of W.D. Gann’s financial astrology methods. The original edition was written in 1995 and during the periods when this book was out of print the hardcover two volume set sold on used book sites for as high as $450 dollars. We have now reformatted this book in ebook format and are making it widely available again.

The legendary trader W.D.Gann used financial astrology methods which he discussed in private letters and personal correspondence. This book was written with the beginner in mind. There is no prior knowledge required to understand the financial astrology methods presented. Everything is presented in simple language and each chapter has a review of the important points. The discussions in this book involve the commodity markets which W.D. Gann traded but the methods can be applied the same to any market.


Volume 1:

The book you are reading is one of a kind; it is the only book that uses William Gann’s original writings to explain how he used scientific astrological methods. This book is devoted to explaining and proving the veiled astrological methods in William Gann’s book, How To Make Profits Trading in commodities. The book you are reading marks the beginning of a new era for Gann traders because it opens up a whole new world of ideas inside the original writings of William Gann.

Gann’s Scientific Methods Unveiled has been written so that anyone with a basic knowledge of trading commodities can read it and understand William Gann’s advanced astrological methods. I have tried very hard to achieve this objective without talking down to traders who have a background in astrological trading. If you find parts of this book written in overly simplistic language please try to empathize with the other readers.

The title of this book says Volume 1, because it is the first in a series which will prove how Gann traded and forecasted the financial markets. I have never attended any advanced Gann seminars and only recently have I endeavored to read anyone else’s writings about William Gann. I have studied William Gann’s writings alone and in secret and have made tremendous discoveries which I have kept to myself until now.

Gann’s Scientific Methods Unveiled has been written with the intention that it should be studied not just read. This is the single largest volume of William Gann’s scientific astrological methods ever published. Gann’s true astrological methods contained in this book are advanced and abstract; you can not expect to master Gann’s true astrological methods overnight. To gain some benefit from Gann’s astrological methods you must have a commitment to learn, study and practice the material presented in this book.

Volume 2:

Most of the advanced astrological material which is attributed to W.D. Gann comes from a personal letter which Gann wrote in 1954 and several of Gann’s original charts. These documents were released to the general public from the late 1970s to the mid 1980s. In recent years there have been books, seminars. home study courses and other products all of which say they are based on Gann’s 1954 soybean letter. The publicly available material dealing with Gann’s Circle Chart and Active Angles has all been based on this letter and has IN FACT BEEN WRONG.

In this book I will reveal for the first time anywhere that Gann’s 1954 soybean letter contains a secret, deeper level of astrological knowledge that can not be learned by merely reading Gann’s letter. The reason I was able to discover the hidden knowledge in Gann’s soybean letter is simply because I may be the only trader who actually uses a soybean horoscope, as Gann did. In addition, I have brought into a single book six of Gann’s original charts to provide absolute proof that the astrological methods in this book are correct and were used by Gann.

Most copies of Gann’s charts have been reduced in size because the originals are so large. Some have been reduced from a 24 inch diameter to 4 inches. In this book I have done something unprecedented, I have made artistic replicas of Gann’s original charts so you can see clearly the astrological information they contain. Of course, I indicate where to acquire the actual chart if you want to study the original. In this book there are 14 artistic replicas of 6 original Gann charts.

This book also contains more of my exclusive literary analysis of Gann’s writings. Not only will I use the literary key explained in Volume 1, but I will introduce a second literary key. Using both literary keys I will unveil astrological knowledge Gann concealed in the following: Truth of The Stock Tape, Wall Street Stock Selector, Mechanical Method and Trend Indicator For Trading in Wheat Corn Rye or Oats, Master Egg Course and Speculation: A Profitable Profession.

Volume 2 also progresses beyond the literary keys and unveils material from Wall Street Stock Selector which Gann concealed without the use of a literary key. This includes the astrological material concealed in Gann’s discussions: “How Cycles Repeat”, “When A Man’s Trend Changes” and “How To Balance U.S. Steel”. When dealing with Gann’s astrological methods I have a saying: The truth without proof is just your opinion. Gann’s Scientific Methods Unveiled: Volume 2 moves beyond opinion by providing proof that Gann used the astrological methods being taught. That is WHY THIS BOOK IS IMPORTANT.


Volume 1:

  • Chapter 1 :Literary Analysis of William Gann’s Original Writings
  • Chapter 2:The Basic Astrological Foundation
  • Chapter 3:The Great Discovery of the Literary Key
  • Chapter 4:The Lambert-Gann Symbol & The Longitude Relationship Table
  • Chapter 5: Retrograde Motion
  • Chapter 6:Declination
  • Chapter 7: Planetary Ingress
  • Chapter 8:Price & Longitude Conversion
  • Chapter 9:Specific Planetary Combinations
  • Chapter 10:The Hexagon Chart and Square of Nine
  • Chapter 11 :William Gann’s TRUE Eclipse Method
  • Chapter 12:Total Solar Eclipses
  • Chapter 13: Annular Solar Eclipses
  • Chapter 14: Penumbral Lunar Eclipses
  • Chapter 15:Partial Solar Eclipses
  • Chapter 16: Partial Lunar Eclipses
  • Chapter 17:William Gann’s TRUE Eclipse Method Applied to The Modern Markets
  • Chapter 18:The Complete Astrological Frame Work For Lard
  • Chapter 19:William Gann’s Six Actual Trades
  • Chapter 20:Scientific Balancing of Time: Solving Seven Gann Forecasts

Volume 2:

  • Chapter 1: The Law
  • Chapter 2: Price & Longitude Conversion
  • Chapter 3: Square Longitudes and The 2nd Literary Key
  • Chapter 4: W.D. Gann’s Use of The Circle Chart
  • Chapter 5: W.D. Gann’s Fourth Dimension of Market Movements
  • Chapter 6: Intra day Applications of The Fourth Dimension
  • Chapter 7: W.D. Gann’s Double Numbered Price and Time Charts
  • Chapter8: The Cube Cycle
  • Conclusion I Resources
Gann's Scientific Methods Unveiled (Volume 1 and 2) By Patrick Mikula PDF
9 reviews

9 reviews for Gann’s Scientific Methods Unveiled (Volume 1 and 2)

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  1. Drew Randall (verified owner)

    Amazing book. Lifelong pursuit to master but amazing book.

  2. Leonardo Bishop (verified owner)

    If you are interested in magic, faeries, unicorns and stock market, ok, great book. If only the latter, go somewhere else. Drawing endless magic lines everywhere will not be very helpful.

  3. Niko Grant (verified owner)

    Patrick Mikula has written a fine work on the astrological methods of WD Gann. The book must be read more than once.

  4. Asa Lang (verified owner)

    If you liked vol. 1, you’ll enjoy vol. 2. Finally an author who has the ability and knowledge to write a strait forward alnalysis of Gann’s methods. No mysterious double talk I have seen with many other authors use to hide their lack of knowledge.

  5. Christina Ibarra (verified owner)

    The book is straight to the point and easy to understand.

  6. Amirah Holt (verified owner)

    Mr. Mikula’s excellent quality of work continues in volume 2.

    The explanations are clear, Gann’s lines, hexagon, Square and circle charts are brought to life! The best chart of all is the double square of nine chart based on the 1/8 tick of some commodities. While it’s unclear whether this was intended, it can be used to track the 666 S&P 500 3/6/2009 low from the 0 degree fixed coordinate!

    Mr. Mikula explains/shows that Double Numbered Price & Time Charts were used by Gann to identify the position at which the price movement and Time were naturally “balanced”.

    A double numbered square of 9 (both price and time units are recorded, incrementally & sequentially advanced, & tracked in a 360 degree coordinate system) set for use in the grains (1/8th tick converted to .125 in box time unit 1) when multiplied by x100 for the SPX (I.e. Starting point box 1 in time has the starting 1/8th price increment converted to $12.5) places $662 on the 0 Cardinal coordinate (SP 500 2009 low was $666) at time unit box increment 53.

    The current, June 2, 2017 SPX price level (2444 high) has almost touched the 135° Fixed cross coordinate of that Square of 9 chart at time unit box 197 which has a price of 2467. Given how this 1/8 tick chart was created and there is a slight angular offset of the actual $666 low from the 662 on the 0 coordinate, price and time would balance in the SPX here (June 2017) at a slight offset from the 135° coordinate or slightly above 2467 for substantial resistance. We shall see.

    Interestingly, using Gann’s eclipse technique as set forth and disclosed in Vol 1 with the 9/1/2016 annular eclipse points to a change in trend in a number of markets on June 5, 2017. Moreover, key planetary aspects form on June 5, 2017 vs March 6, 2009.

    Note that the time span involved in the 1/8 Sq 9 chart is 144 time units ahead of the date of the 2009 low ( box 197-53=144). 144 of course is 12 x12 time units, a natural increment or harmonic with the earth’s 24/ 12/ 360° Time system, and an important Fibonacci number.

    Also note that the use of the 1/8th (.125) “seed” fits the 1/8th increments in the musical scale. Again, whether intended or not, it is a brilliant and useful pedagogical device and fully in accord with cosmic and sonic geometry.

    The explication of Gann cycle analysis techniques is also most helpful and interesting to compare with Tony Plummer’s excellent work entitled “The Law of Vibration: The Revelation of W.D. Gann”.

    The discussion of Gann attempting use of the Platonic solids and perhaps Kepler’s original work in this regard is most intriguing. Perhaps Mandelbrot’s fractal market cube idea found at p. 263-266 in his “Mis-Behavior of Markets” could resonant here.

    The discussion of the use of planetary longitude lines on price charts was helpful, and strongly suggests an iterative rather than a mathematical process, which gives rise to analysis uncertainty.

    Mr. Mikula notes he has presented only 40-50% of what he has discovered about Gann. One can only hope there is a Vol. 3 Gann unveiling in the future!!

    Many thanks Patrick for a tremendous learning experience and inspiration for further study and analysis.

  7. Elyse Velazquez (verified owner)

    Its awesome book highly recommend this book for everyone in financial share market

  8. Michelle Leach (verified owner)

    It’s an apt title. Patrick Mikula presents at least 8 big ideas with detailed examples to explain what Gann meant by “natural time” and how he made change of trend time & price projections . Mikula writes in a clear and concise manner. After a detailed case setting forth what Gann did, there are excellent summaries and then numbered “steps” for performing a Gann review oneself. Only gripe is the lack of a Table of Contents with links to the chapters in the Kindle version. Strongly recommend you read Gann’s “How to Trade Commodities …” BEFORE reading this book.

  9. Westin Keith (verified owner)

    Pretty amazing book. Shows that everything under the soon moves to natural rhythms and can help you understand the clock that our markets move in sync with.

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