Astrology and Stock Market Forecasting

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Louise McWhirters book ASTROLOGY STOCK MARKET FORECASTING is a superb source of information and techniques for those who not only have the requisite astrological knowledge but also the experience in trading. However, there are several other important factors that the
would be trader must take into consideration.


Few of us can understand why the all important relationship between astrology and finance has been so completely neglected. Pespite the importance of the progrcu in other branches of astrology, the student and investor has not, until now, been able to delve deeply into the roots of financial astrology. The reason for this, we believe is a lack of scientific information. It is the intention of this book to afford such knowledge.

Astrology and Stock Market Forecasting is in no sense of the word the complete text on the subject. It does aim to present in factual form an outstanding new theory of financial astrology. It also attempts to trace the operation of this theory upon the investor”s possibilities in the stock market. Louise McWhirter, well known financial and economic analyst, is a veteran writer who has contributed many important treatises to the science of astrology. She was at one time editor-in-chief of a nationally-known astrological publication, which post she resigned to devote her energies to research in the very much misunderstood field of financial astrology.

In back of this step was her life-long desire to develop her original theoiy of Astronomics. It was during this fonnative period, while Miss McWhirter was compiling important financial statistics, that this volu1ne found its genesis. From that moinent, no fact which had a bearing on the Astronomic theory was untested or overlooked. The herculen task of preparing detailed financial gtapbs, checking them daily against financial fluctuations and astrological findings, continued for more than seven years. Today the author is convinced beyond a doubt that this work is complete and satisfactory.

The subject matter is new and original. Its purpose is to give a sound astrological key to financial investors. However, even if this book is not to be used as a guide in financial investment, the authority and freshness of its approach should make it a welcome addition to the library of every sincere student of astrology. We earnestly believe that with diligent application and accurate calculation much benefit and personal gain can be from the McWhirter theory.


  • Theory and Application of Forecasting Stock Market Trends
  • Business Cycles and Stock Market Trends, 1850-1950
  • How to Forecast Monthly and Daily Trends on the New York Stock Exchange
  • How to Forecast Trends of Individual Stocks
  • Date and Place of Incorporation of Stocks Listed on the New York Stock Exchange
  • Simplified Ephemeris of the Planets, 1938
Astrology and Stock Market Forecasting By Louise McWhirter PDF
1 review

1 review for Astrology and Stock Market Forecasting

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  1. Mateo Ruiz (verified owner)

    Fascinating account. Raises some questions re: how the removal of the gold standard has impacted some of the ebbs and flows of the markets, but the ebbs and flows do seem to occur in concurrence w/ Ms. McWhirter’s theory even today. It should also be said that the book is written in a way that those not well versed in astrology can follow and easily understand.

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