Advanced Swing Trading: Strategies to Predict, Identify, and Trade Future Market Swings

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In Advanced Swing Trading, John Crane, a veteran trader and cofounder of Traders Network, discusses his work with Action/Reaction trading theory, and illustrates a whole new way of using time, price, and patterns to predict, identify, and trade future market swings.

Author’s Note:

This book is about time, price, and patterns, and the overall behavior of the market. It is not meant to be a turnkey system. The methods concentrate on helping you understand market behavior that will enable you to see current market action and know, with a high degree of reliability, what will happen next.

My goal is to provide you with the knowledge and confidence so that you can add what you learn in this book to whatever trading approach you are most comfortable using. Since most of the information in this book is designed to anticipate trend exhaustion or trend reversals, it may appear unconventional to some traders familiar with technical analysis. The Reversal day and Action/Reaction techniques described in this book can be applied to either stocks or commodities. In addition, they work equally well on daily or intraday charts. I will introduce you to the Reaction swing and the concept of the Reaction cycle. I strongly encourage you to apply them both.

In the past few years, many investors have evolved into traders. This is a natural and comparatively easy progression that requires no additional abilities or experience. The current environment of easy access to information and the lure of easy riches has made the growth of trading similar to the Gold Rush in the mid-1800s. This pattern was predictable and glorified by the media. In this book, I present an easy and objective way to determine market direction and identify pending market reversals. Though no person is infallible, I believe learning the methods described in this book will give the trader a tremendous edge, as well as reduce the stress of blindly trading without the knowledge of market behavior. The ability to look at the market and have confidence in your trading decision is worth its weight in gold.

Trading offers one of the last great frontiers of opportunity in today’s economy. It is one of the few avenues that offer everyone equal opportunity. There are very few venues where an individual can start with a relatively small bankroll and actually become a millionaire. While I hardly expect all readers of this book to suddenly transform into supertraders, I do believe the information contained in it will open your minds to a new way of looking at the market that will improve your personal trading performance.


  • Order from Chaos
  • What Is a Reaction Swing?
  • “Swing Trading” the Reaction Swing
  • The Reaction Cycle
  • Reaction Lines
  • The Price Is Right
  • Reversal Dates and the Gann Fan
  • Market Tells
  • Time, Price, and Prattern Working Together
  • When the Patterns Do Not Match Exactly
  • Bullish and Bearish Divergence
  • When You Can’t Find the Cycle
  • Long-Term Trend versus Short-Term Trend
  • When Is the Price Right?
  • Stocks
  • Knowledge Is Power
  • Some Final Words
Advanced Swing Trading: Strategies to Predict, Identify, and Trade Future Market Swings By John Crane pdf
21 reviews

21 reviews for Advanced Swing Trading: Strategies to Predict, Identify, and Trade Future Market Swings

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  1. Analia Juarez (verified owner)

    As described, good value!

  2. Amora Cameron (verified owner)

    A great book by John Crane as is his Unlocking Wealth

  3. Jayceon Spence (verified owner)

    The content of the book is practically described in the table of contents on sacred traders.

  4. Isabela Hanson (verified owner)

    I have most of John’s books and don’t really need anything else. As good a methodology as any other, except, it’s simple, quick and subjective once you know the rules.

    The only criticism I have is regarding the graphs. I think they are too small and should also identify closing prices more clearly.

    It’s definitely a five star read – which I rarely give 🙂

  5. Khalil Smith (verified owner)

    Advanced Swing Trading tries to convey a simple and effective method, as well as to predict the more or less regularly occurring in trend markets in the opposite direction and to position themselves accordingly.
    Unfortunately, this does not quite work, since the book is not always easy to understand. This is not due to the complexity of the method (which is actually quite simple), but because it is cumbersome and the examples contradict each other. I had the impression in several places that John Crane interprets the chart picture as he needs it right now.
    Nevertheless, the book contains many interesting suggestions that can help you implement your own trading style more disciplined. However, the presented methodologies should be examined very carefully before putting them into practice.

  6. Margot Cisneros (verified owner)

    This book, provides a practical and relatively simple method to provide a timing element to swing trading that anyone can employ. The book is written very clearly and I would recommend to anyone interested in this topic.

  7. Alden Henry (verified owner)

    For the first time in 6 years of trading, I feel I have a real “Road Map” to the markets! Chapter 8, which John Crane calls “Market Tells”, is worth any amount of money he could aks for!
    Thank you for writing this book!

  8. Kayla Sullivan (verified owner)

    I am glad to spread the word about “The Reversal Day Phenomenon”. With all the snake oil salesman hocking their junk out there today it is refreshing to see someone like yourself sell a methodology that works in any market, in any timeframe, consistently over time and for a reasonale price. I really think your honestly trying to help others and I appreciate that character trait in people. It is rare that people genuinely try to help one another these days. It is the purchasers/users of your products who should be thanking you.

  9. Keegan Shields (verified owner)

    Without doubt, one of the worst books on trading I’ve read. There are perhaps some original ideas inside but none that is worthy to note. All I could see were charts, praises, and voodoo like things. Yes sure, the author has made some effort to discuss a few concepts, but I cannot see him justifying the same with test reports on how profitable they are/were. A lot of hype with little real content.

  10. Joaquin Guerrero (verified owner)

    Wow it is sooooo obvious that all thease reviews were submitted by the same person!! i bought this book, this is one of the worst books ever about trading (i have read alllllot of books) it seems if the author hired a 4yr old and asked him to make a trading method. The method that he talks about can be obtained on any trading forum for free. As for the method it self it is not worth the price of the book at ALL!!! and most trader’s even if your new to trading probably allready know it.If your looking for a profitable method look elsewhere.

  11. Rayan Huber (verified owner)

    I am professional trader 15 plus years and this book is useless and will not help anyone make money. Don’t waste your money.

  12. Evan Barr (verified owner)

    It can’t be a good trading system since market can’t be predicted precisely. How can you define a swing or a hard mid term drawdown? or even to know the trend is over. No body knows. Nevertheless, he offers a very good idea to help trader how to predicate the market behavior. It is still worthy to study, but can’t work as a trading system. It’s too rigid to trade with this system.

  13. Meilani Dyer (verified owner)

    After reading both of crane’s book numerous times since i thought the book had potential (something new and interesting concept of counting and timing swings), i realise that the method just does not work enough times.
    I have a saying, something works sometimes in the market, but noting works everytime. However, after testing and testing crane’s methods, it just doesnt work enough time for it to be profitable or reliable.

    Most importantly, the author made a big mistake and that is it is almost impossible to time how long each swing will take to complete itself. And that is due to the fact volatility changes all the time. For example, compare the Globex session for the S&P or any futures/options instrument. The moves will take must longer than market session price action. Also, during lunch hours, the market slows down considerably, the constant change in momentum and volatility renders bar counting almost totally unreliable.

    Albeit an interesting and innovative methodology, unfortunately, it looks better than it tastes.

  14. Raquel Strickland (verified owner)

    Waste of time. Surprised, actually, since John Crane is a good author.

  15. Atreus Spears (verified owner)

    Very dated information. I wouldnot recommend it

  16. Matilda Burnett (verified owner)

    I bought this book because of a recommendation from a friend who is also an active trader like myself. I have always had one simple rule to determine if a trading book is worth the hype. If I can quickly learn the techniques in the book and apply them in the market profitability and consider the information good enough to continue using it in my trading, it rates five stars – if not it gets one star – its that simple. I gave this book five stars. End of review!

  17. Aislinn Becker (verified owner)

    no new revelations on strategies in this book.

  18. Blaine Leon (verified owner)

    I was so excited about John Crane’s technique after reading his article in Stocks & Commodities only a few weeks ago. I had actually passed up reading the article when the S&C issue came back in February, and recently when that issue was laying around still, I went to put it away, and I happened to quickly leaf through it and came on to one of your charts, and I decided I should read the article after all… boy am I glad I did. I didn’t think I’d be interested in it earlier on since I don’t consider myself a “swing” trader, because I am a daytrader and don’t hold overnight, but after reading the article I realized immediately this wonderful technique is so simple and is readily and easily applicable on any timeframe and in any market. I have since purchased the book and find it to be an excellent presentation and I’ve learned so much from it!
    The technique basically suggests that a an inverted (or reverse, as you might like to call it based on your terminology) mirror image foldback will play out beginning at the center of the reaction swing/reaction cycle, and will complete when the inverted mirror image foldback has folded back (i.e. traced out in foldback fashion) to the beginning of the swing, what you usually call point A or point X in your charts. Because your technique is great at pinpointing the center of the reaction cycle, at least with some reliability, the technique confirms the validity of the inverted mirror image foldback and just as importantly, where it should begin and end.
    Before learning of this technique I was always second guessing when a fold back would start, whether it would be a regular or inverted, and when it would end, and if it would flip at some point in between. Now, with the technique taught in Advance Swing Trading, I don’t need to guess much anymore, and to a certain extent I don’t even need to think of the pricing play out any longer as a foldback or not, if I don’t want to. I just need to identify the reaction swing &/or center of the cycle for the trend that is developing and then, as taught in the book, just do the counts back and forward and apply the reaction lines (and Gann fans &/or fib retrace buy-sell windows as you call them).
    I’m so glad I’ve come upon this material as it has brought together for me many years of frustrating results using other technical analysis methods. I’ve been referring Advanced Swing Trading to other trader friends too…

  19. Noemi Gould (verified owner)

    I really wanted to like this book. I’ve read it twice and spent some considerable time in revisiting the examples trying to become familiar with the author’s methodology. However, there seems to be an operative disconnect between the espoused theory and the demonstrated practice.

    First – the negatives. The author’s thesis is that it is possible to predict market turning points in advance by identifying a reaction swing, counting backwards to a prior turning point, and then projecting that periodicity forward to derive a reflective, future turning point. But the author does not precisely define how a reaction swing is identified, or how one reaction swing is to be considered while another is to be ignored. The examples in the book do not address the reasoning involved for practical application of this method. This theoretical shortfall diminishes the utility of the reaction swing concept.

    Second – the positives. Although this method was suggested before in Roger Babson’s action-reaction theory (1910s), the Wetzel Market Bureau’s “Course in Trading” (1930s), and Alan Andrews’ course (1960s), it was not so thoroughly developed as it is in this presentation. Also, there are a number of interesting trading systems (set-ups) offered which might prove to be useful.

    All in all, this book is akin to the photograph of a holy grail as compared to THE HOLY GRAIL. It is an interesting book that presents some time-honored concepts – with a few unresolved issues. More interesting (and usefully profitable) are the Wetzel and Andrews courses.

  20. Adam Vu (verified owner)

    Mr Crane’s book is well written and practical. If you enjoy charting you’ll like just practicing with the Andrew’s pitchfork and reaction lines. However, the main faults with the methods he mentioned are that the rules are too rigid to be accurate the majority of times, and the prospective use of the methods is quite a bit harder than the retrospective use.

    The author mentions in his intro that he stumbled on a “repetitive, predictable pattern” that was the basis for his method. I believe that this was basically the “measured move,” or the 100% extension of A-B-C swings. His charting technique with Andrew’s pitchfork tries to predict this, but it is excessively complicated and only accounts for 100% measured moves. In my opinion, a fibo extension tool is far easier to use and allows traders to see the 61% and the 161% extensions as well as the 100%, which are just as useful. The time element of counting days, I think, is even more unreliable in practice. But, then again some measured moves are symmetric in time and price, so occasionally they work.

    Bottom line, an interesting book, but not one that will likely have a very high predictive value.

  21. Davis Sampson (verified owner)

    Swing trading, a powerful technical approach for profiting from shorter-term price moves (several days to a couple of months) – is sweeping the trading world. And once you’ve mastered the basics, you’re ready to tackle the innovative and accurate swing trading system outlined in John Crane’s, Advanced Swing Trading: Strategies to Predict, Identify, and Trade Future Market Swings.
    John Crane presents his unique Action/Reaction theory in Advanced Swing Trading and introduces a whole new way of using time, price and patterns to anticipate and successfully trade future market swings in all markets – from stocks to commodities.
    Based on years of research and sustained success, Crane outlines how, using the Action/Reaction theory and combining price levels, precise timing methods and confirmation patterns – you can capture profits as markets go through a complete, predictable cycle known as “the Reaction Cycle.” Using this technique you’ll learn to predict the beginning of a new trend, and project the time and price of the trend’s center and end. “Action lines” and “Reaction Lines,” he further explains, allow you to predict the time and price of major market reversals – tipping you off you major market turns as well as small corrections.
    Armed with these strategies – you can seize short-term trading opportunities with increased vigor, new confidence and visibly improved results. Packed with proven strategies, real-world examples and clear-cut charts you’ll be exposed to many unique and innovative new concepts that take basic “swing trading” to a whole new level. You’ll discover important concepts, including:
    Reaction Swings: What they are & rules to identify them and predict future turning points
    “Swing Trading” the Reaction Swing: Identifying short-term trading signals, rules for entry, and key target projections based on Time and Price.
    Where & when is the right time to exit a trade – an easy method to determine when the price is right.
    Reversal days and the Gann fan: How natural support & resistance levels can work in conjunction with the Reversal dates.
    When you Can’t find the Cycle: Alternative use of the Reaction Swing by using one Reaction Swing to project several future Reversal dates.
    Bullish/Bearish Divergence: Another technical indicator used to identify trend exhaustion
    With the field quickly getting overpopulated with swing trade ‘experts’I see John Crane as a refreshing voice, and his groundbreaking concepts offer traders new ways to conquer short-term markets and apply swing trading techniques to any portfolio — without making it a full-time job.
    As John Crane acknowledges in his book, “Knowledge is Power. The best investment that you can make, is investment in yourself.” Now, there’s no better way to gain new insights and methods that will give you an increased edge in the markets than with John Crane’s new “Advanced Swing Trading” book. Invest in yourself today – by making Advanced Swing Trading part of your investment and trading library today. It’s an investment move you won’t be disappointed with.

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