The W.D. Gann Method of Trading: A Simplified, Clear Approach

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The W.D. Gann Method of Trading: A Simplified, Clear Approach Examines the methods of the world’s most legendary trader, W.D. Gann. Puts Gann’s work in clear, understandable terms. Presents a logical, easy-to-use method of trading.


Any trader, from the novice to the professional, who is aware of the futures markets knows that tremendous profit potential exists in trading futures. Yet, it seems almost impossible to learn all the trading rules and “caveats” of futures trading, and then to put them into practice. A computer and software can give a trader many advantages. Automated data retrieval, stochastics, RSI calculations, and Elliott Wave counts can all be done in minutes, rather than hours, with less work and greater accuracy. A beginning trader, though, may not own a computer. It may be a costly and time-consuming effort, sorting through the maze of investment software, plus the numerous technical-analysis methods and “systems” that are offered today.

Terms such as extended 5th waves and oscillators, and the names of Fibonacci and Wilder, may be completely foreign to the new trader. Systems with exotic names, all of which seem to promise wealth, only add to the confusion. The new trader looks for something that is clear, simple and easy to understand; some trading method that can be used to increase a trader’s confidence – and a trader’s account. The W.D. Gann Method of Trading was written to give a new trader answers and information. It does not contain a sure-fire method of making a fortune overnight. It DOES present guidelines to help the beginning trader earn consistent profits, while answering some of his questions. The guidelines are based on established rules that are surprisingly simple, yet dramatically effective for profiting from the markets.

The rules follow the “KISS” axiom of Keep It Simple, Stupid. They have stood the test of time for any market, for any period, and for any amount of capital the trader wishes to risk. The rules are based on Gann’s 50% Retracement Rule.


  • Gann,His Rules and His Angles
  • Definitions
  • Establishing a Retracement Zone
  • Stop-Loss Orders
  • Liquidation in the Retracement Zone
  • After Profits … Now What?
  • Fine Tuning the 50% Rule
  • A Word about Stochastics
  • What to Trade – United States Treasury Bonds
  • Putting It All Together
  • Does It Work All The Time?
  • Getting Started
The W. D. Gann Method of Trading: A Simplified, Clear Approach By Gerald Marisch PDF
6 reviews

6 reviews for The W.D. Gann Method of Trading: A Simplified, Clear Approach

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  1. Melanie Perez (verified owner)

    The book is either guilty of many mathematical errors or the author has left out reasons for using formulas which don’t add-up. I stopped reading at page 18 and returned the book. This is where all of the unexplained miscalculations began.

  2. Ariella Faulkner (verified owner)

    You will learn that the most important retracements are 50% and 100%. So, you should be at first half broke and than completly broke.
    Lots of charts, but no hint how it is drawn.
    It is stated that your computer should be a 286 or 386.
    You will have conversion tables to convert fractions to decimals: 1/2 = 0.5
    4/8 = 0.5.
    Do not waste your time and your money.

  3. Jayla Dennis (verified owner)

    In addition to being poorly written and poorly edited, this book is not helpful. I guarantee that after reading this book, you will not know any more about Gann’s trading methods than when you started. Nothing is explained! Hard to believe that the author could claim to be making Gann understandable when the book does not help at all.

  4. Owen Adkins (verified owner)

    This book achieves what it aims to do. It gives an overview of some of Gann’s ideas and explains his 50% retracement rule in almost painful detail.
    I understand the frustration of the previous two reviewers. The book is poorly edited and full of typographical errors. Because it contains a lot of detailed workings, there is a tendency for the eye to skip over that detail. I can imagine that is exactly what the editor’s eye did. Hence the typos.
    This book is not worthless though. It contains some sound advice about the importance of employing systematic analysis and the disciplined use of stops. It also provides a simple but reasonably effective trading technique. On the other hand, it is dull and too long. The general technique is also covered more succinctly and interestingly in other trading books.
    It is not worth the “new” price but a cheap secondhand copy or, even better, a loaner might be worth the effort

  5. Jonathan Davidson (verified owner)

    I have had the book in my library for almost 20 years, and I find the book to have solid value.

    I will agree that there are glaring typos, and mislabeled fractions, but if one takes the concepts presented, and take note of the errors, and apply the methods to charts point by point, one will see the book is useful indeed.

    I have observed in my trading career that many traders want something “NEW”, but are not profitable using the “OLD”. Yes the book does teach simple concepts, but it is the simple concepts that make money. If you are NOT good in math, and do not read critically, this book may not be for you. But, if you have basic math skills, and know how to separate the gold from the garbage, you too, will find this book does indeed have value.

  6. Emanuel Webb (verified owner)

    Summary from my full length review – A no nonsense book that explains the Gann method clearly with many examples including walk-thru of the trades (both good and bad ones) and how orders are adjusted. One of the earlier books on trading that truly gives the reader a simple working trading method.

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