The Delta Phenomenon or The Hidden Order in All Markets

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The Delta Phenomenon is the most basic aspect of an area of study known as technical analysis. Technical analysis is the study of market movement as it relates to a two-dimensional chart defined by an X and Y axis. The primary input is price. Secondary inputs are volume and in the case of futures, open interest. But principally, technical analysis is thstudy of market movement.

Author’s Note:

What you are about to read is totally amazing. It has remained a secret for thousands of years. I am quite sure, and I believe when you have read this book, you will agree that no one ever discovered it before. In a sense it would appear highly unlikely that it could have eluded everyone who has searched for it throughout the centuries because it is so simple. On the other hand, one wonders how anyone could have set out to discover it and done so.

Many, if not most major discoveries were made by accident. That is, while searching for a certain end result, one runs across something that is unknown which produces an entirely different result. However, one of the most remarkable things about the Delta Phenomenon was the way it was discovered. One man, working alone in Chicago in 1983 asked the question, “Is there order in the markets?” Then, using an extraordinary form of mental dexterity, he came upon the solution. The solution, the Delta Phenomenon is the most basic thing about market movement.

Volumes have been written about the different ways and methods that have been discovered (or invented) to use the input of price, relative to time, to predict market movement. Many will argue that market movement is simply not predictable at all. I believe this book will settle that argument once and for all. If there is order in the markets, then markets must be predictable.


  • The Delta Phenomenon
  • The Moment of Truth
  • Intermediate Term Delta (ITD)
  • The Family Groups
  • Medium Term Delta (MTD)
  • Long Term Delta (LTD)
  • Super Long Term Delta (SLTD)
  • Short Term Delta
  • Trading the Delta Turning Points
  • Solving For Delta
  • Epilogue
The Delta Phenomenon or The Hidden Order in All Markets By Welles Wilder pdf
10 reviews

10 reviews for The Delta Phenomenon or The Hidden Order in All Markets

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  1. Franklin Curtis (verified owner)

    4 year, 1 year, and 4 day cycles are used. Works great except when there is a missed point, or an inversion.

    Author recommends his Adam Theory Book. If Delta Phenonema “pinpoints exact turning points”, why would the author advertise the Adam Theory Book??

  2. Tiffany Mendoza (verified owner)

    In purchasing Delta, I thought that I was going to be able make a lot of money in the stock market since the ups and downs are already locked in. The only way you’re likely to make any sort of money from this is in long term commodity futures. Even then, you’re still not guaranteed success. I’ve given this book one star based on the fact that fundamentally Delta is utterly useless when it comes to accurate buying and selling.

  3. Tucker Dunlap (verified owner)

    As a successful trader for over ten years, I thought that I had seen about every price forecasting theory ever devised. This book proved that notion false. The Delta phenomenon (actually discovered by Jim Sloman) reveals a perfect order found in all markets that can be used to forecast turning points in price behavior. Any reader familiar with technical analysis will find this book to be a great asset to their trading library. However, this book is only recommended for those who are “serious” about technical analysis. The concepts contained in the “Delta Phenomenon” are sophisticated and a novice will not find this book helpful to their trading. Personally, I have not been able to use Delta to make money in the markets — primarily because I use other methods that I am more comfortable with — but the concepts revealed in this book have permanently changed how I look at price behavior.

  4. Alexis Hutchinson (verified owner)

    Delta is not a trading system. It says so right in the book. It is an interesting forecasting tool. It is difficult to go through the processes presented, but it is doable. Really opened my mind.

  5. Bode Durham (verified owner)

    The Delta Phenomenon fundamentally changes the way you view the markets. If you understand the basis of the delta cycles, you begin to realize that these exogenous cycles provide a time template that is absolutely defintive to markets and to life itself.

    I have read all the reviews here, and over the years I have spoken with quite literally a couple thousand people who have read Delta. And like these posts, the comments I have heard have covered the spectrum. And at the risk of sounding arrogant, I think I know why.

    The science of Delta is sound. It is based on the total interaction of the sun the moon and the earth. If you are now rolling your eyes, I understand. In my opinion, most “financial astrology” is so subjective that it is quite worthless. But stay with me…delta’s cycles are based on astronomical relationships. End of story. So, trust me- the science is sound and it is definitive.

    Te art of delta however, is where most people fall away. The interpretation of the high and low points turning points can be tough. To put it in a nutshell, perfect order does not mean perfect accuracy. Still, if you really study this, you will be amazed at the insights you gain with Delta.

  6. Iliana Griffith (verified owner)

    Can’t say much more than this about the book. Furthermore if you’re colorblind, you might want to reconsider; I am and I’ve had to use my own methods to over come that malady. Wells Wilder is an acknowledged technical trader and innovator and in view of his earlier work, I’m surprised that he fell for this one. It’s relatively easy to find turning points (accurately) but it takes more than that to turn a buck. The book’s a bit pricey but if your’e into the unconventional, you might find it interesting.

  7. Dominic Barron (verified owner)

    Wow, so the markets move up and down, do they? And it appears that they do so in-step with various other observable phenomena? Only it’s not always the same every time, and you have to fudge the answer regularly (inversions), and you have to put your faith in what everyone else would consider to be weird West Coast, New Age ideas? Nah, this doesn’t work for me. Even if they’re right, it would be soon be “traded away”, because the utility of any trading system becomes marginal as soon as it is made public.
    All this means is that markets allegedly turn according to some pseudo-regular cycle. But we could have figured that out anyway: in any given frame of reference, markets are not going to turn NO times, but neither are they going to turn an infinite amount of times.
    Don’t be sucked in by this – it’s attractive, seductive and perhaps makes you want to submit, but this analysis is just as useful as any form of T.A. that requires you to recognise a real-time pattern whilst it is still forming: limited.
    Finally, it’s also HARD to analyse any underlier according to this prescription. Perhaps it once had some use but trust me I’ve used it and failed. I find other forms of market analysis much more fulfilling and, financially, rewarding. I doubt this Delta phenomenon will be able to help anyone make any money.
    Sorry, but I’m just a non-believer – even though I’ve tried for many years to make it work.

  8. Regina Morse (verified owner)

    Have you ever seen one of those 3D posters with all the dots? They were popular in the 90’s? You had to look at the poster for quite sometime and then magically the image would appear. For some it never appeared. No matter how hard they looked. The Delta Phenomenon is a lot like that. Some will never get the message. Some will give up trying. J. Welles Wilder gave us RSI. Parabolic SAR and ADX. His indicators are used daily and still offer guidance and still make money. Do you think he would throw all of that away to mislead traders and ruin his long standing reputation as one of the leaders of modern technical analysis?

    It always amazes me that when a trader cannot grasp a concept or understand an idea they automatically blame the author. Wilder sold this information for $35,000.00 when it came out. He himself thought it was important enough to pay at least that much for it. Ask yourself, when is the last time you paid that much money for insight into the markets? I’m guessing it has never happened. Now we get it for $100-$150 and we call it a rip off?

    I have read the book. I understood the message and know that there is a hidden order to the markets. In fact, I would advise anyone who did not grasp it the first time through to return to the text and read it again. And again. Remove yourself and your biases. Stop thinking about all the money you could and want to make, and review the charts again and again until you see it. When you do finally “see it” it will be as clear and amazing as one of those 3D drawings.

  9. Anya Rios (verified owner)

    Interesting concept. Although I probably won’t use this strategy it has definitely changed how I view the markets.

  10. Israel Hickman (verified owner)

    After being a technical analyst for more than 12 years, I entered into the world of the Delta Phenomenon with skeptical interest. I had read other Wells Wilder books and found them to be overly simplistic. In that regard, I was not disappointed. But, as I delved into this book I somehow knew the concept would work but, found myself stating again and again, it can’t be that simple. Then it came to me, the delta points are Elliott patterns with more clarity.

    After one reading, I dug into the charts. I was amazed at how close I came on the first attempt. After some minor refinements, I did a Intermediate analysis on 10 years of data manually. I then did a statistical analysis of my results. I have started using Delta Analysis as a part of my technical approach to trading.

    In my view, this approach to the markets may only be useful to someone with experience in technical analysis, especially Elliot Wave. It may not be the best place to start, on the other hand, for a visual individual, it is better than some of the approaches that I have encountered. Delta is not the holy grail but, if you are interested in learning a technique that will aid in the profitability of your trading, this is it.

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