Swing Trading Simplified

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Swing Trading Simplified communicates the essence of Swing Trading in a simple and straightforward manner. It describes the tools necessary to identify swing-trading opportunities, and explains the guidelines needed to implement this strategy. Filled with innovative and important trading techniques, it is a great asset to beginner and experienced swing traders alike.


Traders and investors study markets through price charts. These powerful visual tools offer a common language for all stocks, options and indices. The theory behind this is called “technical analysis.” Technical analysis begins with a simple observation that all market action is reflected in the activity of price and volume over time. This information creates a profound visual representation when properly presented in a chart. Prices rise and fall, with rising prices being stimulated by greed and falling prices by the awakening of fear.

This emotional tug of war between greed and fear generates a “swinging” price movement that provides the perfect opportunity for “Swing Trading.” Swing traders capitalize on the emotions of others while they carefully control their own emotions and systematically enter and exit trades. Swing traders recognize the levels of support and resistance. They understand the concepts of momentum and volatility, and can identify a trading range or channel.

Swing trading is very popular among short- and medium- term traders. It offers many virtues compared tothe hyperactivity of day trading. With recent changes in SEC regulations that affect the way brokerage firms administer margin requirements for day-trading accounts, many traders have moved away from day trading towards a swing-trading style. This guide will teach you:

  • What swing trading is and why it works
  • How to identify stocks to swing trade
  • When to initiate a trade
  • When to exit a trade
  • How to maximize profits and minimize risk
  • Key analytical and online tools you can use to enhance your swing-trading success


  • What It Is-An OveNiew of the Swing-Trading Concept
  • The Technical Basics of Swing Trading
  • Recognizing Key Trend Patterns
  • How to Develop a Swing-Trading “Master Plan”
  • Some Swing-Trading Case Studies
  • The Up-and-Down Path to Profits
Swing Trading Simplified By Larry D. Spears pdf
7 reviews

7 reviews for Swing Trading Simplified

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  1. Lucille Vazquez (verified owner)

    Basic stuff. Swing trading explained for 10year olds.
    Your money would be better spent on Larry Swing’s E book “A practical
    guide to swing trading”.

  2. Paige Horne (verified owner)

    This book is good. However, you don’t have to pay for it. You can download the content of this book from MrSwing.com. And I mean the exact actual book with different name. This book was written to promote MrSwing’s SwingTracker, and therefore should be given for free.

    I was very disapointed to pay for a book I already downloaded for free.

    In MrSwing.com this book is called “A Practical Guide to Swing Trading” by Larry Swing, who also wrote the forward for this book.

  3. Makenzie Dodson (verified owner)

    I have been trading stocks and options for some time now. I found this book to be relatively boring and also a little mis-informative. The book provides a “Master Plan”, however as a trader who has worked with sound trading plans, I found this one to be a little inadequate. Aside from format, it does not differentiate between a $5 move for a $12 or a $120 stock. There is insufficient information on signal identification as well as strike rate. This makes it potentially dangerous for new traders. Anyone using this system should thoroughly backtest before putting any real money on the line, to make sure you understand it.

    You can always learn something from every book, and this one is no exception. However I did not find that my knowledge of swing trading was increased through a simplified presentation of the process. As with many books that offer to enlighten you, the amount of enlightenment is often less than you would like.

  4. Zev Espinoza (verified owner)

    I have been trading for almost a year, however I am primarily a swing trader. This book is a joke especially coming from rookie trader. There’s much better material out there about swing trading. It did not get to the meats and potatoes, it basically gave asparagus. Stay away from this wate especially the advanced traders.

  5. Seven Li (verified owner)

    It is an easy to follow guide…practical…no get rich quick schemes. If you plan on investing in individual stocks, and lack a strategic approach in so doing, the Master Plan is definitely a good start. The mrswing.com site gives you free specific stock recommendations weekly (with detail entry/exit strategy)…take a look and make your own assessment. You don’t have to buy anything or be obligated in anyway to obtain plenty of solid information from the site. Stay away from black box trading systems that costs $1000’s of dollars to begin with and no entry/exit strategy and learn the basics of swing trading with this book.

  6. Harry Shelton (verified owner)

    I found this book to be well written and easily understood especially since I have a very little limited backgound in stocks and the market. The illustrations were helpful and enabled me to visually see what the writer was explaining in the text. I have utilized the book when I am looking to determine what certain stocks are doing and why. It has been an asset to me.

  7. Jane Ahmed (verified owner)

    I have been trading part time for more than ten years, and I have read a lot of books about trading. This is the first book that really explains swing trading. It also provides systematic and strategic approach with details on swing trading. I was so surprise that this small package gave me all I needed to know about swing trading. Thank you Mr. Spears. –Al

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