Strategies for Profiting on Every Trade: Simple Lessons for Mastering the Market

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Strategies for Profiting on Every Trade is an accessible, reliable course for the trader looking for profits in the competitive, dynamic world of trading. Each section of the book offers clear examples, concise and useful definitions of important terms, over 90 charts used to illustrate the challenges and opportunities of the market; and how you can take advantage of patterns. Written in the parlance of the day trader’s world, you’ll enjoy the experience of being taught trading skills by the best of the best. This focused and effective trading resource features seven key lessons to further a trader’s education including market basics, managing trades, psychology in trading and planning, technicals, utilizing charts, income versus wealth building producing trades, and classic patterns.


One measure of writing for traders and investors (as perhaps with writing for all others), is the ah ha! factor-a sentence or thought that provokes a feeling of enlightenment or deep understanding with the reader. Our hope is for numerous ah ha! moments to occur in these pages. Trading is a somewhat difficult subject to write about. As you learn and assimilate certain truths, these truths often can and should change for you later. What seemed quite profound to you at one time might seem a year later to be obvious-and no longer worthy of being mentioned. What has happened is that you have moved beyond this particular truth to a newer truth, a higher truth. In such fashion, the growing trader keeps moving beyond his own knowledge, outdating it.

At the same time, to someone new to the game of trading, these are still new truths, capable of changing one’s thinking and approach, so in that sense, one is wrong not to include them. The bottom line is that a trader’s approach continuously changes and evolves. Aside from the very newest beginners, and the.most experienced traders, almost everyone in the market is at a different level of knowledge. While I can’t honestly say that Strategies for Profiting on Every Trade was written as a companion volume to my earlier book, Tools and Tactics of the Master Day Trader, the reader of that earlier work will undoubtedly see a continuation of some of the ideas expressed in that book. Tools and Tactics dealt more with the psychology of the trader-his emotions, rnotivations, and frustrations-Strategies for Profiting focuses more on the game or activity itself.

This book is designed to address the needs of both income and wealth producing traders. There is a strong tendency to separate these two styles of trading into completely independent skill sets and approaches. But it is our view that not only can they not be split, but any attempt to do so would result in automatically curtailing your progress as a trader. In the same way that it is commonly understood that both your left and your right hand play equally crucial roles in everyday life, so do income trading and wealth trading play equally important roles in the daily lives of most successful traders. In other words,. one should never chose whether the income producing style of trading is better than the wealth generating style, or visa-versa. Rather one should look to become adept at both styles. This book will teach you just how to accomplish that.


  • Lessons on Getting Ready
  • Lessons on Some Basics
  • Lessons on Managing
  • Lessons on Psychology in Trading and Planning
  • Technical Lessons
  • Chart Lessons on the Market
  • Lessons on Classic Patterns
Strategies for Profiting on Every Trade: Simple Lessons for Mastering the Market By Oliver Velez pdf
17 reviews

17 reviews for Strategies for Profiting on Every Trade: Simple Lessons for Mastering the Market

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  1. Harleigh Mueller (verified owner)

    This is close to the poorest written book I’ve read. However there is useful info in it if you can decipher Velez’s lingo. Basically Lange, the “co-author” typed what Velez recorded in his classes at Pristine. After I started crossing out hype and BS, I found the book much clearer.

    You can get some details on how Pristies are taught to trade, but don’t think like I did that Velez covers much of it.

    The hardest part in finding useful info is that it appears Velez is so “elite” that he has to use his own slang in lieu of standard trading terminolgy (Ex: a play ILO a trade, topping tails ILO shooting stars on candle charts.) Velez names trade set-ups as though he discovered them. If he knew candlesticks he would realize many of his ideas are not his discovery. So why name them? Maybe because Velez seems to have a “special” word for almost every normal trading term. That’s not teaching, nor conveying information which is what books like this should be written for, that’s probably just to intimidate clients, make them feel like he is the master.

    I don’t know that I would recommend buying it as I own it and am not sure I will ever reread it to jot down the useful parts.

  2. Stephen Rowland (verified owner)

    Although there are many insightful and terrific lessons to be learned here if you are a Pristine Trained Trader you will recognize the book to be a compilation of Paul Lange’s weekly trading lessons. A free weekly service from Pristine. I suspect Mr. Velez’ name was added for name recognition and, thus more sales. It is Mr. Lange’s book, however, make no mistake. That said Paul Lange is one of the most astute traders and best educators around. I had the pleasure of working with Mr. Lange and was constantly amazed at his trading prowess and his ability to convey the information. It’s simply this book offered nothing new.

  3. Clara Russo (verified owner)

    Purchased this book based on the introduction and the comments. I was intrigued by the title, but disappointed in the content. One very agravating thing is that most of the time the book is describing charts that are on the other side of the page. I should have figured this out by the words “Simple” and “Mastering” being used in the subtitle. 90% of this book is devoted to day trading. So if your strategies have you holding overnight this book may be a waste of time. I respect Mr. Velez’s record and feel this book doesn’t do his accomplishments justice.

  4. Jamie Franco (verified owner)

    This book highlights very simple, yet effective approach to trading. The book covers more swing trading strategies but they can be implemented into day trades. I highly recommend this book for novices and seasoned traders alike.

  5. Jacob Strong (verified owner)

    Oliver Velez positively surprised me again. Indeed, the Profit on Every Trade is an excelent choice not only for those who are beginning in technical analysis but also for those who want to improve their skills. The book intelligently mix technical lessons and psycological behaviour very useful in tradings.

  6. Amani Watts (verified owner)

    The author is a real trader, that has more than 1000 proprietary traders under his command. You don’t need to read the countless books that are out there. Just buy his book titled “Tools and Tactics for the master daytrader” and you can even join his prop trading group as well. This is all you need to become a profitable trader. it will still take a lot of time to get it down, trading isn’t an overnight success. But his info provided in his books will give you all you need to know to practically make money everyday in the markets

  7. Margo Barnett (verified owner)

    I found this book packed with a lot of good information for traders. It explained the “how to’s”, the “whys” and the follow up. I highly recommend this book for anyone who has been trading for a while or is trying to improve their trading skills and abilities, from near beginner to advanced trader.

  8. Lucy Lim (verified owner)

    oliver velez one of the best indicator around the world , i hope he can write another book,i like it, 5 star

  9. Winnie Lyons (verified owner)

    It was okay but nothing really exciting to me.
    Titles can be deceiving so if you’re a beginner, trading is not as easy as they make it.

  10. Cal Andrews (verified owner)

    To difficult;

  11. Payton Hancock (verified owner)

    Yeah, it was ok. Go for the Al Brooks books, you gonna have better results.

  12. Charleigh Hodge (verified owner)

    If you trade for a living, you will find value in this book.

  13. Edwin Bullock (verified owner)

    Excellent examples and guidance. A very sound investment!

  14. Dakota Perry (verified owner)

    tired content that’s been proved not to work.

  15. Isabella Anderson (verified owner)

    I like to know how to…

  16. Rex Miller (verified owner)

    Decent read

  17. Cyrus Proctor (verified owner)

    too basic too simple. first book way better than this one…wasted money in this one….$$$$$. exepensive not whorth it….my view

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