Stock Market Technique, No.1

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Stock Market Technique, Containing the principal articles, editorials, and correspondence originally published in the magazine Stock Market Technique from March 1932 to July 1933, inclusive. Subjects included selecting the best opportunities, buying on bad news, using Dow Theory, cascaret system of trading and more.


Look for your money where you lost it. Losses are punishment for bad judgment.Are you riding a dead horse? Get off and get on a live one. When in doubt, stay out. If you are in,,and grow doubtful, get out. If insiders traded like outsiders the insiders would soon be outsiders. The moment your diagnosis is completed it becomes a command to trade. Would you step into the ring with Gene Tunney without taking a boxing lesson? A stop-order a few points away is insurance against a large loss in case you are wrong.

Do not operate for the sake of making trades, but only for the purpose of making money. How to have lots of money with which to buy bargains in slumps and depressions: Sell out in booms. The only fundamental factor that really counts in the stock market is The Law of Supply and Demand. How much could you have saved in the past few years if you had known how to limit your risk and when to sell out? When you realize that you are not beating the game you have prepared the way for your first step in learning how to beat it.

It is better to be out of the market for a week or a month than to make one wrong trade. Stay out and your judgment will clarify. Successful trading depends on a systematic control of losses and the securing of profits in excess of those losses. An investment position is a great handicap when you are trying to convince yourself that the money is on the short side. Most men make money in their own business and lose it in some other fellow’s. Why not make stock trading your business?

In Stock Market Technique, You can learn to profit by the great swings in prices from panic levels to booms and back again if you will abandon the methods that have in the past caused you to buy in booms and sell out in panics.


  • How the Law of Supply and Demand Operates in the Stock Market
  • Forecasting the Wide Swings of Auburn
  • Trading Methods
  • The Public at the Crossroads
  • Knowing How
  • Why They Bought It
  • Charts and the Dow Theory
  • Rigid vs. Flexible Methods
  • Wall Street Fallacies

1. That You Can Put a Stock in Your Box and Forget It

  • The Higher Development of the Dow T heory
  • The Tape Forecasted the Turn
  • How the Technician Judges the Stock Market
  • Why Study Statistics?.
  • Speculation as a Fine Art by Dixon G. Wat s
  • Judging the Market by Tests and Responses
  • Wall Street Fallacies

2. That Success Depends on Having Enough Capital

  • Exploding the Dow Theory
  • The Real Value in the Financial Page of Your Newspaper
  • More Inside Information
  • Philosophy of Jay Gould
  • What Will Put this Market Up ?
  • Analysis of 4 1/2 Years of Forecasting by 41 Advisory Services and Publications
  • Run Your Own Pool
  • Spotting the Turning Points
  • Maxims of Daniel Drew
  • Figure Charts
  • Don’ t Overvalue the News
  • Stock Market Prices Fluid
  • Why Stop Orders Are Caught
  • Never Put Up Cash on a Margin Call — Three Lines of Defense Against Loss
  • More Profit in the Swings Than in the Long Pull
  • Don’ t Lean on Your Broker
  • Trading from the T a p e
  • The Technician Debates with the Fundamentalist
  • The Best Stock — For Every Purse, Purpose and Personality
  • Banker a Bear on Charts
  • Advantages of a Neutral Position
  • The Old Timer Says
  • Philosophy of Famous Operators
  • Letters from Our Readers
  • Why Fundamentals Fail
Stock Market Technique, Number one By Richard D. Wyckoff PDF
14 reviews

14 reviews for Stock Market Technique, No.1

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  1. Maximus Stevens (verified owner)

    The book itself is fine but there is no technique whatsoever in it. Wyckoff is mainly discussing is market philosophy and ideas. Even though these are interesting they won’t provide any concrete tools or techniques for any trader.

  2. Oakley McMillan (verified owner)

    Book recommended especially for seasoned traders. The author describes his long experience and provides useful advice for any trader who wants to work with lucidity and farsightedness.

  3. Denise Nielsen (verified owner)

    Nice storybook little learning but some very good parts.

  4. Damian Carson (verified owner)

    A very interesting book!

  5. Jaylin Morrison (verified owner)

    Brilliant man!

  6. Sarah Morrison (verified owner)

    Not anything new or relevant to trading today.

  7. Luka Gray (verified owner)

    I really wanted to like this book. I’ve read “Reminiscences…” and a few other books from the early 1900s. The age of the writings did not bother me, as trading is timeless. I wanted to get exposure to Wyckoff and thought this would be a good place to start. Well, it has NO exposure to his famous supply and demand systems. It’s like someone just threw a bunch of his publications, no matter what the subject, together, slapped his name on it and waited for the money to come in. A good example is pages about the track record of market advisers from 28 to 32. Why would anyone include that in a book for the readers at the end of the 20th century and beyond? (It was re-edited in 1984). I am still curious as to his ideas about trading, but this book is a grand failure. I can’t even recommend it for the few lines of market wisdom, as you can better find the same and more in “Reminiscences…”

  8. Rocky Bentley (verified owner)

    why spend $3000 at GGUniversity for this course, when you can read this at home for super cheap… pure wisdom.

  9. Dream Summers (verified owner)

    Very good

  10. Wesson Fuller (verified owner)

    The booklet had very good information, however, I would have liked to have had more explanations regarding some items of interest to me, but on the whole, it met most of my expectations…

  11. Catalina Barnes (verified owner)

    a must read if you want to understand the market.

  12. Nalani Silva (verified owner)

    As someone who has successfully navigated the market and has been quite profitable, I must admit it’s not often you come accross too many good books on the topic of ‘Trading’. There are some serious gold nuggets of wisdom throughout this little manuscript. Some of which can truly help to mold any laymen into a profitable trader; novice or experienced.

    No question about…. This book is a keeper, and the material within should be revisited regularly. It will guide you.

  13. Mavis Trejo (verified owner)

    The price tells all, that is Wyckoff’s advice for the market and that’s my advice for this purchase of this book. A book, for the cost, must give you ideas that surpass the dollar value. There are so many timeless tidbits of advice that can pay for this book 100x. For the small investment in money and since the book isn’t very long, your time, this book is a treasure. It’s always nice to read books from way back because you realize that nothing really has changed in trading and that is a good thing. Learn the basics from one of the best, Richard Wyckoff.

  14. Maximus Stone (verified owner)

    Richard and some of the co-authors who wrote pieces in this book were the very few, handful, of traders making enormous profits in the market when the majority of the public were losers. This book is like finding a lake filled with diamonds. The brilliance of these men can only aide and inspire you on your trading adventures. MUST READ!

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