Understanding Electronic Day Trading: Every Investor’s Guide to Wall Street’s Hottest Phenomenon
Author(s) | |
Format |
Pages |
224 |
Published Date |
2000 |
Understanding Electronic Day Trading covers it all: the hardware and software you need to start, the Internet connection options, reviews of the top online brokers, cutting-edge sources for real-time market information, news, and analysis; and traders’ top picks for real-time information providers. There are interviews with the heads of exchanges, trading firms and data vendors, and reviews and screenshots of the best online resources. Most valuable are the author’s explanations of the NASDAQ Level II screens and the inner workings of the market makers and each of the ECN participants. Also included are rules followed by top traders, and a set derived by the author who more than doubled her own small stake in a four-month experiment for this book.
If you think online trading in stock is:
- Too confusing
- Too risky
- Too expensive
- Too revolutionary …
this book is for you.
Understanding Electronic Day Trading walks you through the exciting new ways you can profit through online trading-right now-starting with a modest online brokerage account from your home computer, up through a five- or six-figure account online or even with an electronic trading brokerage.
This book will answer your questions about online trading and help you get your feet wet with as little as $1000 in an online trading account, just one click away from trading with real-time market feeds and instant access to buying and selling stock at the lowest cost to you. The only requirement? If you don’t already have a home computer linked to the Internet, you’re going to have to summon the guts to take the leap into cyberspace. Once you’ve done that, this book will guide you through the entry-level steps of choosing an online brokerage account with features similar to true electronic direct-access trading. You can now experiment in the privacy of your own home with small, manageable trades in stocks.
You already have an online discount brokerage account? Then you may want to review the capacities of the various companies with an eye to online trading. Ask exactly how quickly they can get you in and out of a stock and where, how, and how fast your orders are executed.
To supplement your online account for trading stock on the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, this book will lead you to the cutting-edge sources for real-time market information, news, and analysis, giving you the online traders’ top picks of real-time information providers-including the free ticker you can program to keep you up to date, second by second, on the stocks you’re watching. Charting and technical analysis will add another dimension to your understanding of the stock market and the online trading universe. You’ll find out what you really need to read and what you should scan to stay current with global macroeconomic trends.
Understanding Electronic Day Trading discusses some of the most popular software tools now available-tools that will help you refine the list of stocks you watch, concentrate your energies, and alert you to sudden, potentially profitable movements in the market.
- Where’s the Money?
- The Wild Ride of the EDAT Bandits
- The Growth of Major Markets and the New Trading Realities
- The New Cybermarket
- Getting Online and Getting Educated
- Online Resources for Online Trading
- Industry Focus for Fun and Profit
- Home Base: Choosing an Online Broker
- Warning: If You Try This at Home …
- The Future Is Now
Understanding Electronic Day Trading: Every Investor's Guide to Wall Street's Hottest Phenomenon By Carol A. Troy pdf
6 reviews for Understanding Electronic Day Trading: Every Investor’s Guide to Wall Street’s Hottest Phenomenon
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Demi Vega (verified owner) –
It forced me to give it a star, I wanted to give it zero stars! What a useless book! Half the book is the authors’ interviews with various CEO’s. The book will tell you what most of you already being online already know. A whole chapter is devoted to telling you which web sites to go to for financial info, like CNN and the Motley Fool. Another tells you which brokers are online. You can get this info at Yahoo. This book is a glancing overview of online trading. No real info, no info on techniques, no info to make you money. Don’t waste you time or money. Get Toni Turners “A Beginners Guide to Day Trading Online” for real info.
Malik Leonard (verified owner) –
I am new to the stock market and read this book in one sitting. It is a great read with tons of resources and places to go on the internet. She helps you with research and how to buy with her formula to keep you out of trouble. I look forward to her next book
Aidan Petersen (verified owner) –
I bought this book right around the time when the internet bubble was about to burst. At that time, the information in this book helped me get a clear view of the steps to take in order to get started in the business of stock trading. The problem with this book today is that the information is outdated.
If you are looking into books on trading, the information in this book will not help you. Some companies like Datek which Carol Troy mentions a lot in this book don’t even exist anymore (Datek was bought by Ameritrade). Therefore, if you are a newcomer this book might confused you.
I have nothing against Carol Troy. I think that her writing is very interesting. I am just saying that anyone who is looking into books on trading (not an easy task), will benefit from more well known books.
Skye Ware (verified owner) –
When I started researching information about day trading this was the first book that I bought. If you are interested in day trading you may find some parts of the book usefull. There are some interviews that are kind of good. The rest is outdated. But if you are a beginner I would sugest that you read Market Wizards or Reminisences of a Stock Operator to get the feel of what it really takes to succeed in this hard but rewarding business.
Lane Tate (verified owner) –
I would have given this no stars but Sacered Traders doesn’t allow that. This book was useless except for the laughs I got reading about the authors “daytrading” adventures. For someone serious about daytrading there are MUCH better books out there. If you want to open a browser based online trading account with $2500 and do position trading then maybe, possibly, although I doubt it, you might find something of interest in this book.
Don’t be misled though – this book has nothing to do with true direct access daytrading. For that check out the excellent “Electronic Daytrading Made Easy” by Sarkovich.
Good Trading
Madison Thornton (verified owner) –
An exellent book. I have about 8 books about day-trading and this one is definitely one of my favorites. Mrs.Troy gives you a very objective insight into the various types of day-trading, precisely pointing her finger on the advantages/disadvantages of each one-backed by interviews of some of the top CEO’s in the trading industry.Rock-solid facts about what goes and what doesn’t and most important of all,how YOU can get started with a few buck’s, a PC and very sound basics on how to protect yourself from being “burned” in these fast-moving markets. If you are confused about the vast number of books on the market,which one to choose and if you want to start online-trading without directly getting “smashed” – read this first. A great guide on how to consitantly build your wealth at a steady pace – and KEEP IT! You will not regret reading this book – guaranteed.