The Tunnel Thru the Air

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The Tunnel Thru the Air, Or, Looking Back from 1940 is a science fiction novel written by market forecaster William Delbert Gann in 1927. In the Foreword, Gann hinted that this book is more than just a novel because it “contains a valuable secret, clothed in veiled language. Some will find it the first time they read it, others will see it in the second reading, but the greatest number will find the hidden secret when they read it the third time.” Some traders believe Gann has encoded some techniques of financial astrology into this book, and some even claim that they have devoted a lifetime to study this text.

Introduction (By W. D. GANN):

“Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.” — Proverbs.
The Tunnel Thru the Air, to be worth reading, must do more than amuse and interest. It must be instructive to be of real value to the reader. This book has a threefold purpose:

  • First, It is an interesting romance.
  • Second, It teaches a moral lesson and proves the natural laws laid down in the Bible.
  • Third, It shows the value of science, foreknowledge and preparedness.

It has been well said that truth is stranger than fiction. This story is founded on facts and events, many of which have happened or will happen in the future. The “Tunnel Thru the Air” is mysterious and contains a valuable secret, clothed in veiled language. Some will find it the first time they read it, others will see it in the second reading, but the greatest number will find the hidden secret when they read it the third time.

You will read it the first time because you are interested in the love story and for amusement. This will create a desire to read it a second time for instruction and knowledge. The second reading will unfold some of the hidden meanings and you will gain knowledge thru understanding, which will stimulate an incentive to put the knowledge gained into action. You will read it the third time because you want to make your dreams and ideals become real and find how to start knowledge into action.

When you read it the third time, a new light will dawn. You will find the hidden secret, the veiled meaning and will understand why the Bible says, “Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.” You will want to understand more about the Bible. Then read the Bible three times and you will know why it is the greatest book ever written. It contains the key to the process by which you may know all there is to know and get all that you need to supply your demands and desires. You will appreciate why Solomon said, “Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting, get understanding.”

The future will become an open book. You will know that by following the laws laid down in the Bible, man’s last great enemy, Death, will be overcome and will understand why Jesus rose on the third day and rested on the seventh day. Robert Gordon’s seven days will no longer be a mystery because you will have gained understanding. I believe The Tunnel Thru the Air will prove interesting and valuable to men and women in all walks of life. If it does, you will be thankful to the power that guided my hand in showing you the way to eternal Truth. My object will have been accomplished and I will have my reward.

The Tunnel Thru the Air (Looking Back From 1940) By W. D. Gann PDF
14 reviews

14 reviews for The Tunnel Thru the Air

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  1. Brock Dyer (verified owner)

    W.D. Gann was not only the reason why I got into trading AND astrology, but the person who gave me an exit door from my workaholic job. Since I first saw his 1909 September Wheat chart and how he’d predicted the exact closing price months in advance (as documented by Ticker Magazine) since 1997 I’ve been hooked – pursuing the endless challenge of both astrology and trading. Because of this, W.D. Gann literally saved my life, and I do not say this at all lightly. I would not be here now had it not been for what he’d accomplished.

    Of all his books, this one indeed is the one where he lets on that he used astrology as part of his trading system…and I’ve been down the rabbit hole and am still enjoying every twist and turn. Yes, I wish Gann would simply have put things in an unambiguous context. Given who he was and his magnificent accomplishments, W.D. Gann is the only person on the planet who could’ve compelled me to read what has to be one of the cheesiest love story adventures ever written…though I’ve never read one, I’m sure the typical, manufactured “bodice ripper” would’ve been far easier to endure. Still, it was fascinating reading on another level when paying microscopic level of attention to each paragraph, to decipher what it possibly could mean as a clue to his trading system.

    My take? If you aren’t reading this book to find his hidden clues to his keys for trading stocks & commodities, well, save your money. If you are a man or woman on a quest for the holy grail of trading, I highly encourage you to spend time with this book, and be prepared to read it “50 times” as it takes that to distill the hidden essence.

  2. Kenneth Kirby (verified owner)

    I have rated this book 5 stars because better people have been able to decode aspects of the book and use those findings to make money. If you are going to read the book once then read through these reviews first and study the relevant gann course ie stocks or commodities, then take on TTTA. Still, don’t imagine wealth and riches after reading this book, many have been there before you and realised you cannot uncover Ganns great secrets after one or two readings, it is simply not that easy. I have been able to predict where a stock or market has been going by using simple technical analysis, and at times I’ve been fortunate enough to make money from this. Trading should be simple, do you really think that every graduate who becomes a trader spends years decoding or learning the works of WD Gann? No, they don’t, Gann is just another system and only 5/10% will ever be able to make a good living by using Ganns methods. The rest will remain inconsistant albeit failed traders who at times were close, but no cigar. Those are tough words for some to hear but the statistics prove it. Much of the important ideas within TTTA are encrypted, many of the major ideas are held within the biblical quotes these are the jewels of Gann and not the cheesy love story. Remember Gann says time is the most important aspect of trading so use it wisely, good luck.

  3. Julieta Barker (verified owner)

    While the writing would not measure up to todays standards, the author gives plenty of clues to his methods. One, timing is everything. I think you have to read the book along with the passages from the Bible. In this regard, your vision would be different than the authors. But, don’t lose track of why you are reading.

  4. Ahmir Warren (verified owner)

    A lot of Gann foolishness. There are no secrets here. The secret is the book sell is making money from ignorance. All of the cycles are explained in Gann’s courses.

  5. Cecelia Kane (verified owner)

    Its the best book to decode Ganns writings, but you need to have the original with the planes on the cover.

    W.D.Gann had a number of calculator’s, the square of 144, the hexagon chart, square of 4, 360 degree chart, square of 52, square of 9 chart and 24 circle chart. Most of these charts have been discussed in previous articles; all Gann’s calculators are use for specific time periods. You can’t use them on swings charts or any other charts except bar charts, as there is no correct time period in other charts. Of course all the charts are interlink, as they are smaller or large time cycles or wheels with in wheels.

    The front cover of “The Tunnel Thru the Air or Looking back from 1940”(TTTTA) is coded with the square of 144. On page 144 is a poem which has 144 words, each section out of the three sections on that page has 51,44 and 49 words.144 + 51 + 44 + 49 = 288 or twice 144.The last section is on page 145 which has 53 words. In total there is 36 lines of words, 36 x 4 equal’s 144. The total number of words is 197. 19 x 7 is 133, page 133 has the name of the person who wrote the poem.144 + 51 equals 195, page 195 starts chapter 16, the number of planes on the cover.
    When you place the square of 144 plastic overlay (12 squares to the inch) over the front cover it measures 144 squares wide and 90 squares high. The 8 planes of the 16 are is the last square of 72 or the death square of 144. Only one plane is crashing in the tunnel, which is 48 squares up, and 96 squares across which is twice 48.These are the green lines or third lines. There are three poems on page 48; the middle one has 48 words. The total words in the three poems comes to 180.The other plane in the tunnel is at 60 and 120 lines or one sixth and one third of a circle. The tunnel, which is smaller on the left runs to the right get the widest between the 2 x 1 Gann angle and the 3 x 1 Gann angle, it finishes perfectly between those two angles. The plane furthest to the right is on the 126 line, page 126 is chapter 12 which squared is 144.The smallest plane is 108 lines across and 36 lines up, right in the middle of the death square.108 is 36 x 3.The inside cover has 4 planes each making the total of 16.These too have measurements of the square of 144. There’s more decoding in these page if you wish to go there, but most wont.

    2 x 1 Gann angle and the 3 x 1 Gann angle, it finishes perfectly between those two angles. The plane furthest to the right is on the 126 line, page 126 is chapter 12 which squared is 144.The smallest plane is 108 lines across and 36 lines up, right in the middle of the death square.108 is 36 x 3.The inside cover has 4 planes each making the total of 16.These too have measurements of the square of 144. There’s more decoding in these page if you wish to go there, but most wont.


    The square of 144 plastic overlay can be placed over daily, weekly, monthly high-low charts, but is mainly used for monthly charts. The square of 12 is always important for working out time periods, as there are 12 months to a year, 12 astrological signs for each planet to complete the circle. There is 1440 minutes to a day, so to square that would give 2,073,600 minutes, in days it is 20,736 or 56 years, 9 months and 23 days, this is Gann’s great time cycle. One column in the square of 144 contains 144 squares. The 144 is the great square and works better than any other square. The overlay is divided into 9 sections.9 is the highest digit and all numbers add up to 9 from 1 to 9 which equals 45 which is 9. 1/2 is 20,736 is 10,368 days, 1/4 is 5,184 days, 1/8 is 2,592 days, 1/16 is 1296, which is the square root of 36, one thirty second is 646 days, 1/128 is 162 days, and 1/256 is 81 days the square of Nine. You know Gann when back 1000s of years to research time cycles, but to give you and example from the year 1492
    (Columbus arrives in USA) to 1774 (USA independence) is 283 years. 5 times 20,736 is 103,680 days or 283.86 years. 8 times 20,736 from 1492 is 1946 the end of World War Two, 9 times is 2002, the crash in the stock market and a year after September 11 in 2001.You would notice that 283 is very close to the displacement factor of 286 covered in the “Pyramid” article. The USA stock exchange was formed on 17th May 1792, 4 times 20,736 is 227.08 years is 2019, the middle of the great depression as discussed in previous articles. I haven’t owned stocks for 20 years, as it’s just an expansion of the fiat monetary system or ponzzi scheme that exists today.

    The Great Cycle in months is 681 months, 23 days.1/2 of this is 28 years, 9 months, and 23 days.1/4 is 14 years, 5 months and 8 days. 1/8 is 7 years, 2.5 months. 1/16 is 43 months and 6 days.

    The Great Cycle in weeks is 2962, 2 days and 1/2 of this period is 1481 weeks, and 1 day.1/4 is 740 weeks.1/8 is 370 weeks and 2 days. 1/16 is 185 weeks and 1 day. 1/32 is 92 weeks and 4 days.1/64 is 41 weeks and 2 days.


    The Master Numbers are 3,5,7,9 and 12.The No.9 and its multiple is the most important because 9 digits added up together equal 45. The next number of greatest important is 7, the number mentioned more times in the bible than any other number. There are 7 days in the week and 7 calendar days and 5 market days, and their multiples should be carried on your daily, weekly and monthly charts. The square of 7 is 49, which is a very important time period. The second square is 98, third square is 147,fourth square is 196 which is also the square of 14,fifth square is 245,sixth square 294, seventh square is 343 (Gann’s grave faces 343 degrees towards Wall St), eight square is 392,ninth square is 441 which is also the square of 21, tenth square is 490, an another bible number, eleventh square is 539 (540 is 360 + 180) and twelfth square is 588.Gann said his death square is 576 to 588 which is 216 to 226 degrees of a circle which is in the middle of Scorpio ,the eight house and the house of debt and death in astrology. 216 is 144 plus 72 or 3/5th of a circle and 226 is one over 5/8th of a circle.
    There is also seven ancient planet for the seven days of the week and seven planetary hours for measuring time during a day. Gann coded everything as you know, as an example of how he coded number seven, is that 2 and 7 are the positive and negative numbers of the Moon in numerology and the word Monday comes from Moon.TTTTA was written on 9th May 1927, which was a Monday and seven days after the New Moon, the Moon is has an exact conjunction with Neptune on that day. Saturn follows Moon in the planetary hours of the Chaldeans; the first conjunction the Moon makes is with Saturn after the 9th May 1927. You would know that 1940 on the book minus the 5 x 360 leaves 140 or two 70s. The Moon conjunct Neptune is at 24 degrees Leo or 144 degrees of circle on that day. Minus 70, equals 74 degrees (Future Cycles start on page 75, chapter 7) or 14 degrees Gemini, Gann’s Sun is at 15 degrees Gemini. Add 70 equals 214 degrees, opposite is 34 degrees or 4 degrees Taurus. 34 is the Chapter missing in TTTTA, 3 plus 4 equals 7.Ganns Venus is at 3 degrees Taurus.

  6. Payton Castaneda (verified owner)

    when gann writes about the market the books are useful. this book is sort of a follow up the ones written in 1923 and 1930.

  7. Octavia Meza (verified owner)

    The Challenge is to find the secret.

  8. Kade Tucker (verified owner)

    Still reading the book, I like it. It is a bit mind boondoggling but worth the read.

  9. Collin Anderson (verified owner)

    While I have not found the hidden meaning of the book yet, I am confident that it is preserved as the paragraphs and chapters match the page-numbering of the original. Or at least as accurate as the faithful reproduction of TTTTA by the (Yahoo) Gann Study Group. The last page ends at 418. This is a nice hardcover edition which is easier to read at leisure for me. The pages look like a photocopy reproduction of some older edition, instead of made with new typesetting. I haven’t bought this for the story, but for the puzzle. Clearly too many dates in it to make sense as a romance novel.

  10. Esther Mitchell (verified owner)

    Imaginative, simplistic wishful thinking and idealistic but the messages of love and faith are a reminder of traditional values that may be lost to ‘modern’ society.

  11. Finnegan Frazier (verified owner)

    This is book for scientific learning.some secrets are there can be understood by reading minimum twice.stock market us affected by natural laws.

  12. Jaxon Lozano (verified owner)

    So-so. Maybe you need to be from another dimension to get something from it.

  13. Dominik Gordon (verified owner)

    I like the information it gave

  14. Sloane Roberts (verified owner)

    A great story, fun to read.

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