The Law of Vibration: The Revelation of William D. Gann

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In The Law of Vibration, Tony Plummer presents a new theory which he argues is revealing of a fundamental truth about the deep-structure of the universe. The Law is embodied in a very specific pattern of oscillation that accompanies change and evolution. It can be found in fluctuations in stock markets and in economic activity.

It also suggests that it was known about in the early part of the 20th century because it was concealed in the structure of books written by the renowned stock market trader, William D. Gann, and by the mindfulness exponent, George Gurdjieff. Both men chose to preserve their knowledge of the pattern in a hidden form for some unknown future purpose.


I have for many years been fascinated by the hidden aspects of Nature: by the order underlying the apparent chaos; by the limited set of mathematical ratios chat appear to reflect that order; and by our personal involvement in that order. It is my strong belief chat individual decisions are almost always contaminated by collective beliefs and shared moods, and chat therefore we have far less control over our affairs than is supposed. The result, however, is a form of systemic coherence chat is not yet accepted by conventional economic theory.

The Law of Vibration is about a critical aspect of this systemic coherence. It is about a very distinctive pattern chat emerges in the presence of natural cyclical behaviour. Astonishingly, the pattern was hidden almost 2000 years ago in a small piece of text in the Greek version of the Christian Gospel of St. Matthew.

The pattern was unearthed, and then buried again, by the famous financial market speculator William D. Gann. And the same pattern was alluded to, but also hidden, by the great mindfulness exponent George I. Gurdjieff. The lineage of the cycle pattern suggests that it represents a genuine revelation. It has taken me more than 20 years to unravel the code chat has hidden chis revelation, and I feel very privileged to have been able to do it.

This book, then, is about a law of vibration chat is alleged to permeate the cosmos. There is strong evidence that this law influences financial market fluctuations and economic cycles. But the exciting possibility is chat signs of the law of vibration can be found in a whole range of research disciplines – from cosmology at one end to quantum physics at the ocher. It may be chat William Gann was an important link in a chain of transmission chat – at a minimum – can be dated back almost two millennia.


  • The Enigma of William D. Gann
  • The Golden Ratio and the Christian Scriptures
  • The Law of Three
  • The Sign of the Prophet Jonas
  • The Son of Man in the Heart of the Earth
  • The Structure of the Musical Octave
  • The Law of Seven
  • The Octave and the Enneagram
  • The Enneagram and Financial Markets
  • William D. Gann and the Law of Vibration
  • George I. Gurdjieff and the Law of Vibration
  • St. Matthew’s Gospel and the Law of Vibration
  • A Universal Pattern of Vibration
  • Inner Octave Cycles
  • The Law of Vibration in Practice
The Law of Vibration: The Revelation of William D. Gann By Tony Plummer pdf
18 reviews

18 reviews for The Law of Vibration: The Revelation of William D. Gann

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  1. Quinn Phan (verified owner)

    Very nice condensation of knowledge, brings in a new way of looking for some people. Definitely on the recommend list.

  2. Bentley Russo (verified owner)

    This book is fascinating and appears well researched. It unequivocally states that it is not about trading in the markets, as Mr Smithson has indicated in his “dreadful” review. In fact, I find the review of Mr Smithson to be the ” dreadful” one as he appears to simply be using this as a forum for unloading his criticism of Plummer’s trading philosophy. It would also appear that, as an expert considering publishing on Gann, he can only find fault with Plummer’s work. In any case, Plummer states that his book is about the hidden order underlying the apparent chaos of nature and about the mathematical ratios which appear to reflect that order. These concepts have far greater implications than simply a possible application for trading the markets and the book is written in this context.

    I find the information Plummer presents to be thought provoking and plausible, based on his extensive research. Yes, he does mention Gann but Gann is only one of several whose work he documents. This book goes beyond the trading methods of Gann to describe some fundamental aspects of the reality which we live in. Even if you do not accept his arguments you should still find ample food for thought and, therefore, find the book well worth reading..

  3. Lyra Wallace (verified owner)

    Wonderfully clear and concise and full of amazing revelations. It’s like a detective story about how the law of vibration works. If you are a fan of either Gann or the Enneagram, you’ll love this book.

  4. Aleah Wu (verified owner)

    A very difficult book for people who do not have a strong background in WD Gann and who do not have an open mind..

    I found it very helpful and it provided answers to some questions that I had wondered about.

    It will stretch Gann enthusiasts’ minds but that is a good thing. I recommend it and an reading it a second time.

  5. Kylian Arias (verified owner)

    Disclosure: I believe in Natural Law and the Cycles that they produce in crowd behavior and I believe crowd behavior starts with the movement of prices found in all markets we follow and and their cyclical patterns vibrate throughout the remainder of their “real time” cycle.

    Although we all trade from our desk in different locations around the world, human beings’s are connected psychologically, not so much different from animals that feel safer in “herds”.This is the lesson I had to learn from Tony Plummer’s “Forecasting the Financial Markets 5th edition” which I highly recommend you read first.

    This is an excellent book on the enneagram and its pattern relationship to the Price Pulse Pattern (elliott wave) and cyclic oscillation patterns found in all self-organising systems in the universe including financial markets. But if you don’t read Tony’s Forecasting Book first, you may completely miss this point. This book is far superior to WD Gann’s Tunnel Thru the Air and I use Gann’s tactics daily. This was important for my type of trading as I use momentum oscillators in trade setups and executions. No, you will not be delivered a ready-made trading system, but if you use cycles in your trading, I highly recommend both books.

  6. Maison Patrick (verified owner)

    I enjoyed the book and it is worth thinking about but I don’t think it is the definitive method Gann would have used in the markets.
    My main problem was the lack of research with the actual Greek grammar used to make a case for the gematria for the greek translation of Matthew’s bible passage which is the premise of the whole book.

    I haven’t read classical Greek since early College but spent 3 years learning it along with 6 years of Latin. Nevertheless the premise that there is a difference between Jonah and Jonas is flat wrong. The Greeks and Latin actually declined proper names as well as nouns, adjectives etc. So leaving out the S in Jonah is the grammatically correct. Jonah without the S is actually the genitive case for Jonah so ” The sign of the prophet Jonah” would drop the S to indicate possession. Thus tou Iona literally means of the Jonah as articles were used to define a name. The phrase Jonah in the belly of the whale (sea monster) would use the S in the end since Ionas would be the proper nominative case since Jonah is the subject of the sentence.

    Although there is definitely a degree of flexibility in gematria, I highly doubt that in this case since the grammar is correct and not suspect to flexibility.

    All in all, it is a book worth exploring. I just wish the author would have asked a Classical Greek Scholar (which I am not but know enough) about Grammar and not start the whole premise with a supposition that is wholly challengeable.

    The book is still worth examining to shed some light on other ways to read “Tunnel”

  7. Tinsley Sloan (verified owner)

    Complex. But if you understand the book. You are well on your way to master your life. In a way truly a revelation.

  8. Remington Bean (verified owner)

    I’m new when it comes to Technical Analysis, but I have a lot of experience with sacred geometry, Fibonacci patterns in Nature, and metaphysics.

    Just when I thought our Cosmos and Nature couldn’t get any more interesting, I’m thrilled like a child on Christmas Eve to see these same patterns and cycles appear in the stock market prices and group behavior.

    The more I learn about the Nature of Reality, the more I see that everything is connected. Universities have many fields of study, but they’re all just different perspectives (or different levels of abstraction) on 1 underlying Deep Truth.

    I just recently learned about William D. Gann, and he was an extremely interesting character! He had an excellent, well-rounded knowledge of science, mathematics, metaphysics, group behavior, and stock market dynamics.

    Ignore the reviewers who gave negative reviews – they’re simply bozos and wouldn’t recognize something Beautiful if it were right in-front-of them. For example, the one dude said “fractals” was “scientific jargon” (or something like that)…sorry buddy, but a fractal has a very precise definition; have you ever seen a piece of broccoli?

    I personally think these negative reviewers had a strong emotional reaction to some of the metaphysics and Jesus talk…sort of funny, the same type of emotional reaction that Elliot Wave Theory and other cyclic theories are based on…lol Therefore, in a way, their strong emotional reactions prove that this book is on the right track 🙂

    Tony Plummer writes very clearly, and this is a very interesting and Beautiful piece of work – highly recommended! Thanks for sharing, Tony 🙂

  9. Adrianna Fernandez (verified owner)

    I read this book pretty much in one sitting if not for the need of one nights sleep. I felt like Indiana Jones exploring a new find. I am a trader looking to finalize a trading plan and in the course of my education, heard of and read about Gann many times. In the last few months I became aware of Harmonic patterns and further into those I’ve learned some about vibration. So, when this book came up in a search, I had to buy it.

    For those reviewers that do not like it, I believe that is because they are not aware of Harmonics when it comes to repeatable, highly probable price patterns. Fractals are mentioned in the book and someone spoke negatively of it. I however, have found fractals, smaller time frame patterns resembling larger ones, to happen frequently.

    For me, this book validated suspicions and gave me direction. I wish only that I could find a like-minded group to explore this further with.

    Thank you for the hard work Mr. Plummer!

  10. Ellianna Willis (verified owner)

    If you are studying Gann, I would consider this an essential read. Ignore the lengthy review finding fault. I strongly suspect professional jealousy, but just my opinion. This is an excellent piece of writing, research and conclusions are logical and well presented. The Gann findings are what I suspected all along, and now I know AND I know why.

  11. Emery Odom (verified owner)

    Gd bk.

  12. Ocean Zavala (verified owner)

    This is a GREAT book. Plummer has some wonderful theories about Gann’s methods. Chapters 6-7 and 8 dealing with vibrations and music are a super study in themselves. Why does anyone like to sing along with Julie Andrews in “The Sound of Music”. Do, a deer, a female… you know the rest, and when you sing it you feel good afterwards. I think his ideas on the 3 wave patterns etc. are really interesting especially the idea that it looks like a human heartbeat on an EKG. I really like the 1-2-3-A-B-C pattern on page 90 in chapter 9, and if you know that the 1-2 equals @ 33% of the time elapsed then you can extrapolate the rest of that pattern. I went back over Devon (DVN) and from 2001 to present found a lot of these patterns. So in a way there is probably a lot in this book that can help a person with their trading. However when it comes to the Bible, it’s the way of Salvation for us and a history of the Jewish people, who also know a great deal about astrology. Supposedly Gann said he was even more successful in the last part of his trading career because of his study of astrology. Back to Mr. Plummer’s book, I have only read it thru once. Now I will go back and study the parts that really interest me.

  13. Chase Davenport (verified owner)

    Just started reading. So far, it’s about how the Law of Vibration works in economics. I was looking for a deeper explanation of the Law of Vibration in reference to the results of positive energy vs. negative energy. I will keep reading. It’s a healthy size book, so I may find more of what I am looking for as I continue to read.

  14. Cassius Kane (verified owner)

    After reading the book i see plenty of truth to its contents within markets. I think its a good start for researchers

  15. Jenesis Fernandez (verified owner)

    Whether you agree with him or not it is a very interesting effort to use sacred symbolism to explain economics

  16. Kyson Lee (verified owner)

    Ive been a professional astrologer for 20 years, but just a couple of years ago started using it to study the financial markets. The markets are a totally different bear than individual humans, and sometimes my predictions were dead on, and other times they cost me money.
    Your book helped me plug so many holes in my research, that I cant thank you for writing this amazing work enough. For those that have already studied Gann and the markets and are looking to truly understand, this book is a must read!

  17. Scarlett Barton (verified owner)

    I have gone back and forth on this book. I started off with a negative impression. I had to read it multiple times and study the components. Had to be persistent and study them thoroughly. It was worthwhile.

    I have finally finished the process and the conclusion is that the ideas contained within this book are among the highest understanding of the workings of the market possible. This information is undoubtedly what Gann knew. You will learn how time and price are related and therefore how prices move. However, this is not a trading strategy book. The information is all here but you will have to work diligently to figure out how to put it to practical use with trading.

    Why did it take me a while to come around? Taken as a whole, there is some extremely valuable information in this book and then some other parts that aren’t so valuable. The valuable information is ancient knowledge which is likely what Gann used. The less valuable parts are the sections where the author takes this knowledge and applies his own interpretation to it. It took me some time to sift through and separate what I needed to know and what was his theory. Whether the author’s interpretation is correct, I don’t know. What I do know is that it doesn’t matter because he included what you do need to know to use for yourself. The information you need to know is researched and presented better and more thoroughly than I have found anywhere else. This is an important book.

  18. Bentley Ruiz (verified owner)

    While W.D. Gann appears to have been a genius trader, I feel like this book does nothing to explain how to use Gann’s trading methods. I found nothing useful in this book to help me trade the markets.

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