Higher Probability Commodity Trading: A Comprehensive Guide to Commodity Market Analysis, Strategy Development, and Risk Management Techniques Aimed at Favorably Shifting the Odds of Success

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Higher Probability Commodity Trading is one of the rare cases of a book that does a great job combining fundamental, seasonal, and technical analysis. Carley Garner’s latest book is a must own for anyone considering trading commodites or options on commodites. Carley has been a respected figure in the futures industry for many years. Her approach to successful markets analysis, trading, and trading education is one of keen preparaton and study, continually absorbing markets knowledge, and following the basics of market analysis and trading that have propelled the most successful traders/analysts over the past 125 years.

Higher Probability Commodity Trading takes readers on an unprecedented journey through the treacherous commodity markets; shedding light on topics rarely discussed in trading literature from a unique perspective, with the intention of increasing the odds of success for market participants. The Author, Carley Garner, is a frequent contributor of commodity market analysis to CNBC’s Mad Money TV show hosted by Jim Cramer. She has also been a futures and options broker, where for over a decade she has had a front row seat to the victories and defeats the commodity markets deal to traders.


  • Commodity Market Refresher
  • Technical Analysis in Commodities
  • Fundamental Analysis of the Commodity Markets
  • Seasonal Tendencies of Commodity and Financial Futures
  • The “Others”; Reading the COT Report and Intermarket Correlations
  • Position Trading in Futures
  • Day Trading and Algorithmic Trading in Futures
  • Futures Spread Trading
  • Options Trading Strategies
  • Managed Futures and Constructing a Commodity Portfolio
  • Hedging Portfolio and Business Operations Risk with Futures and Options
  • The Hidden Gems of the Commodity Markets
  • Speculating in VIX Futures Isn’t for Everybody
  • Tips and Tricks to Live or Die By
  • Understanding Implications of Trading Cost Decisions
  • Risk Management: Understand, Properly Utilize, and Hedge Commodity Market Leverage
  • Use Commodity Market Volatility to Your Advantage — Mean Reversion and Delta Neutral Trading
  • In Conclusion, Commodity Trading Is Mental; Don’t Be
Higher Probability Commodity Trading: A Comprehensive Guide to Commodity Market Analysis, Strategy Development, and Risk Management Techniques Aimed at Favorably Shifting the Odds of Success By Carley Garner pdf
28 reviews

28 reviews for Higher Probability Commodity Trading: A Comprehensive Guide to Commodity Market Analysis, Strategy Development, and Risk Management Techniques Aimed at Favorably Shifting the Odds of Success

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  1. Marlon Zhang (verified owner)

    I have read a lot of futures trading books over the years, from Jim Rogers to Jack Schwager, and Thomas Bulkowski to Gerald Appel,and I must say I found Carley’s book to be much more readable than the above mentioned. I enjoyed reading it, found some great ideas, and feel that it has increased my bottom line. Actually I know it’s increased my bottom line!

  2. Karina Olsen (verified owner)

    I have been a student of the markets for nearly a decade and you taught or confirmed things I have only suspected or flat out never knew.

    Ms. Garner’s writing style is such that anyone who plays the market should be able to comprehend but yet at the same time be entertained by it. The only thing I really disagreed with, it is not her fault but rather seems to be a publishing industry wide occurrence, the false assumption in most of the book that one will hold the future/ option till expiration day. On one page Carley did acknowledge that approximately 95% + of all activity is for speculation purposes.

    With the above being said I did appreciate the chapters on speculation and day trading. Ms. Garner did a great job in combining fundamental and technical analysis as few can and still make sense. Some of the more informative tid bits I found were:

    • Where and how day trading margin amounts are determined
    • Which items to avoid and why
    • Some international resources to delve into for additional fundamental analysis
    • Position and reportable limit times
    • And lastly, why the price of gold is impacted by wedding seasons

  3. Skyler Barnett (verified owner)

    Probably best book written that I’ve read (all of her books) This book covers a lot of information regarding trading, discipline, broker selection, strategies, and inside information. The way I see it is I’m getting 1,000s or even 10’s of thousands of dollars in value from Carley Garner. That’s what she’s saving you in mistakes and errors with her knowledge and helpful advice in these books, they are a no brained, she’s knocked off years of learning curve and save many thousands in costly mistakes. Guess what company I’m moving my brokerage to? She’s earned my business…. RUN don’t walk to get this great education at a ten star super value!!!

  4. Jesus Oliver (verified owner)

    The most helpful book I have read to date. Worth the money to put in your collection of books. Thanks Carley

  5. Sarai Glass (verified owner)

    Great book. Has a lot of chart analysis. Definitely worth the buy.

  6. Nina Quinn (verified owner)

    Great book, it discusses the inner workings of how futures and commodities operate. If you want a deeper understanding of the behind scenes of the inner workings of the futures and commodities markets work read this book.

  7. Harlow Simmons (verified owner)

    This book is excellent for traders interested in commodity futures and options. Found Carley”s sage advice invaluable to start trading commodity futures with proper risk management. Carley has done a fabulous job in this book covering all aspects of the business, it’s high points balanced with risks and pitfalls and mitigation strategies. Carley’s wisdom shines through for all trading practioners interested in practical trading strategies and risk management for commodity futures.

  8. Alvin Lambert (verified owner)

    I’ve read the ‘wisdom’ of countless authors and experts during my 25 years of commodity trading. This book provides a straightforward presentation of the basics of trading commodity futures and different trading strategies for the novice, as well as some refreshing ideas on account capitalization, risk management, and hedging for the rest of us. Carley is one of a rare breed of analyst that doesn’t automatically dismiss futures option selling as a fool’s errand, but stresses the absolute necessity of said account capitalization and risk management in order to survive and succeed. A one-cent move in the grains market will cover the cost of this book…… go for it.

  9. Eric Nichols (verified owner)

    Basic information about the futures markets and trading systems. Learned a few things I did not know and were helpful.

  10. Itzel Xiong (verified owner)

    The style of the writing is simple, understandable and right to the point
    It is a sea or information.
    One of the most important features for me the author looks like very honest and diligent person.
    Highly recommend to all the retail traders.
    Thank you, Calrley, I wish you would continue doing what you are doing

  11. Catherine Delacruz (verified owner)

    Not recommended. book is for beginners to trading, its does not specialize on commods fundamental or technical. its bad.

  12. Eloise Bowen (verified owner)

    I could not stop reading this book. A great exposition to the risks and benefits to commodity trading. A must read to beginners or experienced traders looking to adjust their trading strategies.

  13. Memphis McClure (verified owner)

    I started to read this book with little expectation. I received none indication, I didn’t know the author. But as I devouring the chapters I love it more and more.
    Author has an excellent commodity understanding and she is never tired to make it clear about risks of commodity trading (and trading in general). Her counselings about not use stop-loss order and instead look for other protective alternatives is amazing!
    I recommend this book for any person with a intermediate trading knowledge. You will not regret!

  14. Jayson Castro (verified owner)


  15. Halo Kelley (verified owner)

    Excellent book. Carley Garner really explains risk management well and offers some very good strategies. Very good introduction to trading commodities even though it is more of an intermediate level book. I am a beginner but this book is very useful and has a lot of good tidbits from some of the most successful investors of all time, like Warren Buffett and Paul Tudor Jones. I highly recommend this book for any investor who wants to learn.

  16. Ernesto Gray (verified owner)

    I’ve read hundreds of books on trading, the majority of which are not exactly helpful for most traders, and I can honestly say this is one of the absolute best I’ve ever read. From futures, options, hedging positions and portfolios, Garner presents her experience in the most thorough, accessible, and actionable form imaginable. She does not waste time going down rabbit holes with unnecessary math and charts. The examples are concise and self explanatory. She gives the reader a realistic perspective of what it is like to work on the trading floor. There are not magical secrets here, just solid advice without all the sales pitches and misinformation that permeate so much of the industry. You will not be disappointed.

  17. Estella Lindsey (verified owner)

    Read this book recently. Here are a few thoughts:

    1. It has lots of good ideas which are practical and common sense.

    2. The most useful part of this book is how to read and interpret COT reports. This is very important.

    3. It is a beginners guide and has lots of generic information on the various types of commodity trading and strategies including trend following, counter trend, fundamentals etc. She has a bias against trend following which is understandable but the logic provided is not accurate. She leans on band trading ( bollinger bands) but has not mentioned the caveats of Bollinger Band and when it does not work… e,g sliding of bands is very common and you would have lost a fortune if you followed counter trending recently. She mentions stop loss is a bad idea and provides alternatives. What happens if there is price shocks like the recent energy price collapse.. Trend Following would have been better than counter trending or perhaps staying in the sidelines. There are times each of these methods work and there are times they don’t work at all.

    4. Risk control and risk management concepts are covered at a high level. Position Sizing guideline is too generic. Probability and risk are not covered at all and this is where the title of the book misses its mark.

    5. She does cover a great deal in psychology of trading and constant advice on de-leverage and smaller contracts ( mini contracts ) which are very insightful.

    6. There are lots of interesting quotes in the book ( from Bruce Lee, Bogle, Warren Buffet, Einstein, Soros ) which makes the book a very entertaining read.. loved a few them and laughed. but they have no context to commodity trading.

    If you are serious about trading, I don’t think this book will help you at all but it does provide a good overall perspective of what’s out there.

  18. Aliyah Jarvis (verified owner)

    Great book if you are looking to make your trading a career. Some concepts that i never heard off before (10 years tradition commodities)

  19. Sarah Stafford (verified owner)

    I have traded stock options for some time. Mostly selling naked puts and done well for a couple years. I want to see if I can succeed in futures. I’m sure the ideas and psychology taught here will help.

  20. Adaline Blankenship (verified owner)

    This book explains options in a way that is easy to understand even for those with no knowledge of Commodity Market.

  21. Selah Hunt (verified owner)

    Commodity and option trading is a risky business. I learned it the hard way. This is the only book I found that really gives sound and realistic advice while also covering several very interesting options + futures trading strategies. A must read before you put your hard earned cash into the commodity markets. It does not give promises and silver bullets however – so if you are looking for guaranteed profits, look elsewhere.

  22. Allan Franklin (verified owner)

    I wish I had read this book few years ago to avoid some big mistakes during my trade career. Carley Garner doesn’t present any magical formula to make easy money, instead she brings her experience to an easy to read book. I love it!

  23. Rhys Beil (verified owner)

    Not what I expected. I was hoping for deep insight into the fundamentals driving commodity prices, and perhaps some actual quantitative analysis of commodity prices. Instead, the text is really oriented towards absolute beginners. There’s a single chapter on commodity fundamentals, where the author spends at most a few paragraphs on each commodity. There’s also a single chapter on seasonality effects. Most of the rest of the book is geared towards basic trading—order types, technical analysis, margins, options, and other material that is better covered elsewhere.

    I did find the references to sources of commodities data somewhat useful.

  24. Azrael Williamson (verified owner)

    Also not very well structured or objective. Could read all the good information out of a couple of webpages. For the beginner trader would only recommend a couple of chapters.

  25. Angela Dillon (verified owner)

    I’ve been trading roughly 20 years and have read literally 100’s of books on subject. I still read beginner level books and gain new ideas. Frankly, this is probably the best beginner book that I have ever read. It’s hard to find a book that has great breadth of the mechanics, fundamentals, and technicals while still providing enough detail to be useful without overwhelming the beginner. Excellent job and thank you

  26. Alfredo Rodgers (verified owner)

    I wish I had bought this sooner and read a bit of it because I would’ve likely not bought some other books in the same genre.

  27. Trevor Lam (verified owner)

    Lengthy but very specific…! Need patience to finish reading the book ! Worth to be in your book collection for reference

  28. Harrison Rojas (verified owner)

    I found this easy to read and understand. The author provides many examples with good explanations. Reward and risk are balanced for the trader to help define their own style for consistency and profits overtime.

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