Fire Your Stock Analyst: Analyzing Stocks On Your Own







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Fire Your Stock Analyst provides well-thought-out, sensible, step-by-step strategies for analyzing stocks, including when to sell. These analytical methods, used by pros though rarely explained to individual investors, will help you improve your results in the market right away.

Author’s Introduction:

The process of writing this book turned out to be a huge educational experience for me. I thought that I knew something about the subject when I started. After all, I’d been teaching it, writing about it, and doing it for years. This is not a get-rich-easy kind of book. There are no magic formulas revealed. I wrote it for people who know that making money in the stock market takes more than running a screen or watching CNBC. I wrote this book for investors willing to put in the time and effort it takes to find and research profitable stock investments.

I’ve read many investing books filled with great concepts and strategies that left me feeling unfulfilled, because they didn’t tell me how to put those wonderful ideas into practice. This book describes practical step-by-step strategies for finding, researching, and evaluating investment candidates. Equally important, it also tells you when to sell.

I describe two step-by-step strategies, one for growth stocks, and the other for value investors. Some experts advise that both are, in fact, similar strategies. While it’s true that you can have a value-priced growth stock, the two analyses processes are very different. When value investors are selling, growth investors are buying. So it’s unlikely that the value and growth investors would own the same stock at the same time. While the two strategies are different, they draw on a common set of analysis tools.


  • The Analysis Process
  • Evaluating Risk
  • creening
  • Analyzing Analysts’ Data
  • Valuation
  • Establishing Target Prices
  • Industry Analysis
  • Business Plan Analysis
  • Management Quality
  • Financial Fitness Evaluator
  • Profitability Analysis
  • Detecting Red Flags
  • Step 10: Ownership Considerations
  • Price Charts
  • Quick Prequalify
  • Value Investing
  • Growth Investing
  • Earnings Reports & Conference Calls
  • Detecting Scams, Frauds, and Pump & Dump
Fire Your Stock Analyst: Analyzing Stocks On Your Own By Harry Domash pdf