Trading Secrets: 20 Hard and Fast Rules to Help You Beat the Stock Market

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Trading Secrets uncovers all and more importantly explains why these trends occur, so that you can be confident your investments will pay off, even when the market is falling. The great advantage of studying the stock market, and trends in particular, is that we can quickly identify certain patterns forming that bear a scary resemblance to ones from the past. History may not repeat itself in exactly the same way, but in some cases it gets eerily close and that’s what Trading Secrets is all about. It reveals the trends and apparent stock market anomalies that have stood the test of time and, for those in the know, provide a regular source of profitable trading opportunities.

Author’s Introduction:

When I decided to write Trading Secrets, I had a very clear objective: to produce a book that encapsulated the best stock market trading ideas that I have discovered during my 20 years of following financial markets. I wanted the book to be both educational and practical, with the intention that both experienced private investors as well as those with little or no knowledge of the stock market could benefit and profit from these strategies. In fact, Trading Secrets has turned out to contain all the trading strategies that I wish I had known about when I started following the stock market during the 1980s bull market. It has taken me two decades to get this far, so the book will give all investors a head start, and a profitable one at that, in their investing careers.

Each chapter is broken down into sections, laid out in an easy-to-understand format. A description is given of the stock market trend or apparent anomaly that enables shrewd investors in the know to consistently make money. Knowing that a trend or anomaly exists is one thing, but more important is understanding why it occurs, so I have included a section entitled ‘Reasons for the phenomenon’ in each of the chapters before outlining the best trading strategy to use to profit from those trends and anomalies.

The book includes trading strategies that can be used by investors in either the short or long term, the economic and stock market cycle and are specific to the US and UK stock markets. This makes Trading Secrets unique as it offers clearcut strategies for all investors to follow, with each one being easy to implement. Most important of all, these Trading Secrets have proved very profitable.


  • Bull market tops
  • Bear market bottoms
  • Daylight robbery
  • Built on solid foundations
  • Seasonal investing and seasonal affective disorder
  • Federal Reserve’s rate-cutting cycles
  • US presidential cycle
  • Summertime blues
  • Predictive powers
  • Santa Claus rally
  • Religious holidays
  • Extreme market movements
  • Playing footsie
  • Days like these
  • S&P 500 dog effect
  • Dogs of the FTSE All-Share Index
  • Budgeting for profit
  • Sporting chance
  • History lessons
  • Triple witching effect
Trading Secrets: 20 Hard and Fast Rules to Help You Beat the Stock Market By Simon Thompson pdf
9 reviews

9 reviews for Trading Secrets: 20 Hard and Fast Rules to Help You Beat the Stock Market

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  1. Matthias Rojas (verified owner)

    Nothing flashy, just simple analysis of trends that may be of use for investors. I have no hesitation in recommending.

  2. Alivia Gill (verified owner)

    A nice and interesting read, based on a considerable amount of research. One could argue that some of the recommendations are pretty much a case of “crystal ball polishing”.
    An unconventional read…

  3. Arlo Singh (verified owner)

    hi folks,
    just reading simon thompson’s book at the moment.very interesting and informative,needs reading twice over with notes taken of all the different dates and a deeper unerstanding of the complex issues that arise throughout the will equip you with an armoury of information to make succesful gains from the markets,.Simon seems to have a market beating record of success.

  4. Kairo Austin (verified owner)

    I am not really a fan of the type of trading the author suggests in this book. To me it appears to be just data mining to find correlations where none really exist. Having said that, the book is well written by a knowledgeable journalist and the data mining is well evidenced by research.

    I respect the author for his trading insights in Investor’s Chronicle magazine and thought the book might offer more.

  5. Leo Dickerson (verified owner)

    + Interesting insights into 20 trading strategies that take advantage of investor psychology
    + Some strategies apparently have a 100% historical success rate, which begs the question why they haven’t been discovered and “nullified” by Mr Market yet?
    + The author literally walks you through on what stocks/funds to buy, when, and where. Also the tips and summaries are helpful on their own if one just skim reads

    – Primarily focuses on short term trading (few days to several months), which means one would probably have to make several trades a year (= more brokerage fees)
    – One would probably need to invest high amounts of capital to see decent gains on something like a 0.08% or 2% return!
    – Some of the strategies involve taking risky leveraged bets against the market which may not be suitable for some investors
    – And as always, past performance does not necessarily guarantee future returns, hence it ultimately depends on whether the reader trusts the statistical data enough behind all the strategies to come to an informed investment decision on their own.

  6. Ty Bell (verified owner)

    I got this book from the library and kept putting it off to read. However, once I did start, I’m very glad I did. I play the volatility, and found his suggestions very interesting. I will mark on my calendar to try them out. I HIGHLY recommend if you are a trader of any sorts.

  7. Opal Farrell (verified owner)

    I am very sure that if one has the patience, discipline and system to follow the 43 proven strategies covered by this book, he/she will reap good profit year after year. The catch is, only very professional traders/investors can meet all the requirements above. Of course, it is not necesary to implement all the strategies at all to enjoy a definite trading/investing edge. A well researched resource for sure, particularly for those invest in the UK markets, though the principles are applicable else where. In short, recommended!

  8. Trinity Scott (verified owner)

    I am very surprised that this book has been slow in getting getting reviews. I have over 200 stock market books and this one has some information in it that none of my other books have. The book is well written and to the point. Read and reap!

  9. Derrick Richards (verified owner)

    I’ve yet to implement any of the ideas in this book however they are all described and the methodology laid out very clearly such that I don’t think I’ll have an issue with using them.

    If you’re a new trader and want proven strategies then this is the book for you and me

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