Stan Weinstein’s Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets

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Stan Weinstein’s Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets reveals his successful methods for timing investments to produce consistently profitable results.

Introduction (From Author):

Buy low, sell high! That’s the shortcut to a fortune , right? Wrong! It is just one of many loss-causing cliches that the crowd chants as they lose money year after year. There are many other do’s on Wall Street that are really don’ts, such as the necessity of reading the financial pages and watching the evening TV business report so you are in touch with important developments in the economy and its leading industries. Or the need to get advice from a so-called Wall Street wunderkind who wears a three- piece suit and talks to other wunderkinds.

These aren’t the answers and they won’t put profits in your pockets. It’s unfortunate that so many investors embrace these ideas as the key to financial well-being. Buy low, sell high is a cliche, not a blueprint for action. It blinds investors to the professionals’ approach of buying high and selling higher, which I’ll teach you to do consistently.

Being in touch with all the financial and economic news won’t put your investments in the plus column either. In a world of computers and instant communications, the financial markets respond to the latest news long before you read or hear about it in the press. In addition, the market sells on future rather than current earnings. In order to be successful you have to learn to use the many clues the market action provides. Stan Weinstein’s Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets will show you how to uncover those clues and turn them into profits.

Finally, relying on the advice of Wall Street wunderkinds-the brokers and analysts-won’t get you very far. The overwhelming evidence is that their advice is inferior to the advice you will get from a set of darts thrown at a stock page (and believe me, a set of darts is far less expensive). Too many of these people spend their time talking with other brokers and analysts. They go to luncheons where executives of the Fortune 500 companies treat them to chicken Kiev and information about current company performance.

You don’t have to go to more than a few of these functions to realize that both the chicken and the information being served have been on the warming tables for a long time. The real market professionals, the specialists on the floors of the exchanges, don’t adhere to any of these misguided approaches. They base their decisions on market actions, not the news. And while others follow the cliches into the loss column, the real market pros are making plenty of money.

Mr. and Mrs. Average Investor declare that they are unlucky in the stock market, but this is nonsense. It isn’t a matter of luck at all. They are playing the game by the wrong set of rules and until they learn what the winning rules are, they will continue to have poor results. What they need in order to get on the winning road is a consistent method of properly timing the market and controlling their two market enemies: greed and fear.

That’s what Stan Weinstein’s Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets is all about-winning! After having made plenty of mistakes, I’ve learned how to decipher the very obvious clues that the market gives us and then tactically respond to a given situation. I’m going to teach you a new set of stock market rules that will make the market much less stressful and far more profitable for you.

These rules won’t have you poring over balance sheets or listening to some company spokesman drone on about his firm’s progress toward higher returns on shareholders’ equity. These rules will require that you do two things: control your own greed and fear, and find and decipher the obvious clues that the market tosses your way. That’s what I’ll teach you in Stan Weinstein’s Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets, and what you’ll learn will make you a winning investor. Best of all, once you get the hang of it, you only have to spend about an hour every week implementing this winning approach.


  • It All Starts Here!
  • One Glance Is Worth a Thousand Earnings Forecasts
  • The Ideal Time to Buy
  • Refining the Buying Process
  • Uncovering Exceptional Winners
  • When to Sell
  • Selling Short: The Less Traveled Road to Profits
  • Using the Best Long-Term Indicators to Spot Bull and Bear Markets
  • Odds, Ends, and Profits
  • Putting It All Together
Stan Weinstein's Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets PDF
14 reviews

14 reviews for Stan Weinstein’s Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets

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  1. Koda Bruce (verified owner)

    This guy is a legend. A lot of people borrowed from this guys experience and knowledge. This book is rarely on traders list of best books, big mistake. ITS IN MY TOP 5. Thanks Stan, WOW !!!!

  2. Katherine Bentley (verified owner)

    I only wish I had read this book 10 years ago, I would have made a lot more money and spent a lot less time trying to understand the market and buy low and sell high.
    Anyone with trading experience only has to read the first chapter to see the light…I now practice buying high above trend and selling higher consistently.

  3. Phoenix Greer (verified owner)

    Great book on technical analysis. Although the book was written in 1988 it still is a great read.

  4. Kaden Hunt (verified owner)

    Rigorous in logic, well-organized, with solid arguments and ample examples, worth collecting.

  5. Galilea Burns (verified owner)

    Despite having graduated from a Top-3 business school with a degree in finance a few years earlier, I was struggling to invest successfully. I saw the book and recognized the Stan Weinstein’s name from his being a guest on the popular PBS show called Wall Street Week. He was also a fellow south Floridian. The book called out to me, so I bought it and read it cover-to-cover that night. The book left me inspired. Almost instantaneously, I combated confusion and discovered direction, gaining the confidence to invest and trade, and still be able to sleep at night. Since then, I’ve learned countless new indicators for the sale of curiosity. Truth be told, 32 years later, Weinstein’s stage analysis is the only method I need and apply. Few people have the ability to say they have been able to make a living solely from investing. Thanks to Weinstein, I’m one of those fortunate few. I recently found out he’s 95 and alive and well. FYI, he’s still teaching, currently on TraderLion and on YouTube videos.

  6. Genevieve Nichols (verified owner)

    After completing most of the Market Wizards series and trying my hand at trading, I started gravitating toward TA and found this book. It gave me a framework for trading, whereas the Market Wizards series served as motivation. Really enjoy this book.

  7. Roselyn Stevenson (verified owner)

    This is the book that started me on my trading journey. Simply best of breed in its class. I still go through it once a year.

  8. Brandon Lucas (verified owner)

    Excellent book on trading, very complete and explains what you should and should not do in the financial markets as a trader

  9. Randy Franklin (verified owner)

    Quite insightful!

  10. Melany Marin (verified owner)

    This is now a classic from a well-known technician. His methods are sensible, found on underlying principles that take emotion out of investing. Recommended.

  11. Finn Stevens (verified owner)

    This books is nicely done and very informative for investors. The only drawback is the graphs’ resolution. They are hard to read.

  12. Bethany Stone (verified owner)

    Book for investors.

  13. Atlas Abbott (verified owner)

    This is The BEST book I have found for the beginning stock trader/investor. I have thus far collected close to 20 highly rated books on the subject.

    This is also the ONLY book that teaches like a good school teacher would teach: with questions and answers at the end of EACH chapter. Also, helpful FOOTNOTES are provided at the bottoms of the pages..

    For reviewers who fail to give this book a 5-star review, – I would like to hear them cite a better book.

    The 2nd most valuable book I have found thus far is one of the two books recommended by sacred traders to be purchased along with this book: namely, Mark Minervini’s: “How to Trade Like A Stock Market Wizard.”

    The other book that sacred traders recommends for purchase along with Stan Weinstein’s book, namely: William J. Oneil’s book: “How To Make Money In Stocks” – contains alot of valuable info BUT it is not well presented, and therefore it can be frustrating to try to plow through this.

    Don’t give up trying to learn.
    But, of course, do learn from the best books to learn from.
    And this book IS the Best.

  14. Aldo Stein (verified owner)

    Reading this book has upgraded my technical investing skills and made investing conversations better. Weinstein presents information fast in an effective way, his techniques are very easy and effective to learn!

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