Numbers: The Energy Forces In Your Name







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Numbers: The Energy Forces In Your Name is a comprehensive yet easy-to-understand guide to the meaning and methods of Numerology, including how to use the nine creative forces in your name. Author Paul Minar combines modern techniques with information channeled to him by the ancient mathematician and “father of Numerology”, Pythagoras.

Author’s Note:

The information contained in this book relating to numbers as an energy form, energy in general, and all other concepts, are not presented as absolute proven facts though they represent my personal beliefs expressed in my own words. Exploration always precedes conclusion and this book reflects my personal journey in this life and the conclusions I have reached along the way. My beliefs are the result of my own curiosity about life itself, a curiosity that started with the basic question about the existence of God. Then the scope widened to life after death, the existence of heaven and hell, and communication between this earthly reality and those souls in “heaven.” I read books, talked to people, visited psychics, and watched television shows and documentaries about all of the above. The idea occurred to me that I could at least get a quick answer to some of my questions by asking psychics about them. Then I could assess the answers and decide for myself what to do about them.

I compared the vocabularies of psychics to see if there was a common denominator and discovered there were many, both good and bad. The bad qualities were things like poor articulation, evasive or vague answers, generalities rather than specific information, and praise for my psychic abilities. Spirituality and self-responsibility were not discussed. A good psychic is much more evolved spiritually and tells it like it is rather than what you want to hear. A really good psychic does not have an ego problem and focuses on helping you to make your own decisions as much as possible. He or she helps you with personal growth issues and never makes negative predictions. I personally believe there are a fair number of good psychics out there, but in my experience over some thirty-five years, there are not many that I would rate as exceptional. This subject is explored more following chapter eighteen, in a section called “Channeling Explained.” I felt it necessary to explain more about psychic ability as a research tool and how I found and qualified someone who was exceptional, very spiritual and also very credible. Isabelle Zaccardi was that person. She opened the door to the Higher Realms and also introduced me to Pythagoras who asked me to write this book.

Spiritual and scientific exploration begins with a hypothesis followed by the gathering of evidence that supports or falsifies that hypothesis. If the world waited for an absolute scientific consensus for all the concepts that are on hold at any given time, mankind would never make any real progress in any area of our existence. Someone once gave me some good advice to help me “get off the dime” and stop procrastinating. He said, “Do something, even if it’s wrong.”

Regarding the subject of faith or believing in something, I say, “Believe in something and be prepared to change or drop that belief if something better comes along.” That has been my philosophy, because taking a negative attitude toward new concepts simply pushes them away from your consciousness.

Faith does not mean blind acceptance. Real faith is born of a certain knowingness together with confidence in both your own reasoning and intuitive processes. I believe that faith is also a reflection of the divinity we share as children of God. It is a special gift that ennobles mankind, strengthening us and igniting the spark of creativity needed for our growth.


  • How the Numbers Work
  • Creating Successful Outcomes
  • A Personal Observation on the New Millennium
  • Pythagoras Views the New Millennium
  • The Subconscious and Memory
  • The Meaning of the Numbers
  • Personal and Universal Numbers
  • The Pythagorean Matrix
  • The Numerology Chart
  • The Absolute Level
  • Numerology For Animals
  • Pythagoras: His Life and Teachings
  • Choosing or Changing a Name
  • Numbers for Identification, Communication, Travel and Location
  • Compatibility in Relationships
  • The Power of Thought, The Power of Love, The Power of Words
  • Numerology in Partnership with Religion, Spirituality, Philosophy and Science
  • Reincarnation
  • Channeling Explained
Numbers: The Energy Forces In Your Name, Featuring New Millennium Conversations With Pythagoras (1980 to 2006) Also Numerology for Animals By Paul G. Minar pdf