Diary of an Internet Trader: Practical Insights in Investment Wisdom

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Diary of an Internet Trader evolves the hugely successful column published in the Financial Times, now fully updated and supplemented. A wealth of new websites, screen shots, and additional reference materials have been incorporated, and are packaged within a highly accessible question and answer format. As well as following the clear but opinionated style that makes the columns essential reading, it provides the most thoughtful insights into Internet trading from the authority on the subject, giving you a glimpse into the life of a successful private investor and the strategies to replicate his phenomenal achievement.

Author’s Note:

Why you need to read this book?

Why are some people richer than others? They could both have the same IQ and the same money to start with, the same jobs paying equal salaries; each working as hard as the other and paying the same household expenses. But one of them will end up wealthier. How? The answer lies in the differing knowledge each has about finances. As JP Morgan recognized: ‘Private infor-mation is the source of virtually all great wealth.’

The purpose of this book is to disseminate some of that private information – what the rich know and the rest do not. Its findings have been good enough to be published in the Financial Times and read worldwide by millions of readers, in the form of my column.

Consider the important calculations any sensible investor needs to do before investing. Do you know how to calculate the effect on your portfolio of a 10 per cent market shock? Do you even know why you need to know this? Do you know what type of stocks are most likely to give you growth without volatility?

What if I told you the answer is easy to calculate in seconds online, but with pen and paper would take months. And do you know what the likely reaction of your portfolio will be six months later – the answer is important because otherwise the next time the market dumps 10 per cent how else do you know to sell or hold on?

Not only does this book tell you where to look, but it also tells you why and what the rich online investors know.  So what do rich investors know? Well, here’s a summary:

  • They know how important it is to have an investment style suited to their needs and goals, and they know how to find it.
  • They know how to look for investment opportunity clues on online news stories.
  • They know when to switch to short-term investments and when to have long-term ones.
  • They know how to save precious time by going straight to the most valuable online sites that do the hard work for you.
  • They know which financial securities to trade, not just equities, but also new innovations which give them a head-start advantage.
  • They know what not to do in selecting a broker and in picking stocks.

This book takes you through all these findings and advice.


  • What are the different trading styles and which is best for me?
  • How do I use online trading stock news to my advantage?
  • Is long-term trading really ‘all that and a bag of cash’?
  • What’s all this technical analysis and charting about then?
  • Is it easier to trade a sector than a stock or a whole index?
  • Inspire me that an online trader really can beat the professionals
  • Where does past performance fit into stock picking?
  • Online brokers not for all
  • Just what type of broker is right for me?
  • Why do so many traders have the wrong broker?
  • What do I need to know about my portfolio that the professionals know?
  • What is risk? How do I quickly and easily measure it like a professional trader?
  • Why do I want to invest in bonds and what is the best way for me?
  • Should I trade actively? Which are the best tools and what do the wrong ones cost me?
  • Why do so many people continue day trading? Is there something in it or not?
  • I want to trade actively, so what about options then?
  • I want to trade foreign stocks – am I mad or ahead of the pack?
  • What about riskier foreign markets then?
  • How does foreign exchange affect my portfolio?
  • Am I better off not trading online? Surely not?
Diary of an Internet Trader: Practical Insights in Investment Wisdom By Alpesh B. Patel pdf
1 review

1 review for Diary of an Internet Trader: Practical Insights in Investment Wisdom

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  1. Lincoln Moss (verified owner)

    I thought this was a copy of the diary of an actual trader who traded and had made entries to his diary throughout the trading day. But this is nothing useful.

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