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ED PONSI is the managing director of Barchetta Capital Management LLC. An experienced professional trader and money manager, Mr. Ponsi has advised hedge funds, institutional traders, and individuals of all levels of skill and experience. He has made hundreds of appearances on national and international networks such as CNN, CNBC, the BBC, and Bloomberg. A dynamic public speaker, Mr. Ponsi has lectured audiences around the world, in locations such as London, Singapore, and New York City.

He is an internationally recognized expert in currency trading. Ed Ponsi became a financial advisor in 1998 and graduated to Wall Street trader in 1999. He began trading Forex in 2004, and it has been his preferred asset class ever since. In addition, he is a business owner and real estate investor.


His first book, Forex Patterns and Probabilities, is one of the top-selling Forex trading books of all time. His second book, The Ed Ponsi Forex Playbook, was endorsed by Professor Steven Hanke of the Johns Hopkins University. Both books have been published in a variety of languages, including Vietnamese and simplified Chinese.

Ed’s latest book, Technical Analysis and Chart Interpretations, challenges traditional assumptions about charting and technical analysis. Ed believes that technical charting is widely misused and misunderstood, to the detriment of most retail traders. Ed’s latest book expands on the finer points of charting, and challenges the prevailing wisdom behind many widely accepted technical patterns.
In addition to currency trading, Ed is a real estate investor and trading instructor. Ed teaches his trading techniques through Online Trading Academy at its locations around the world.