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About the Author

Dan Passarelli, is the author of the book Trading Option Greeks and founder of Market Taker Mentoring LLC. Market Taker Mentoring is an options education company that provides personalized one-on-one mentoring for option traders. The company website is

Dan started his option trading career on the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) as an equity options market maker. He also traded agricultural options and futures on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). In 2005, Dan joined CBOE’s Options Institute and began teaching both basic and advanced option trading concepts to retail traders, brokers, institutional traders, financial planners and advisors, money managers, employees of the Federal Reserve Bank, and market makers. In addition to his work with CBOE, Dan taught option trading strategies at the Options Industry Council (OIC). Dan has written numerous articles in the financial press.