The Square Spiral: The Mathematics of Markets

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The Square Spiral: The Mathematics of Markets deals primarily with explaining ‘time and price squaring’ in the stock market. It explains how the arrangement of numbers on the square spiral of numbers is the key to the geometric cycle of time-intervals and the ‘Fibonacci’ amplitude structures that are commonly found in random-walk time-series. The use of price and time squaring for the analysis and prediction of turning points in the stock market is often referred to, in colloquial terms, as ‘Gann theory’. It was knowledge of how the swings in the market can be predicted, which established the reputation of the legendary stock market trader William Delbert Gann. Gann is reputed to have taken around fifty million dollars out of the stock market between about 1910 and 1950. That is a lot of money in today’s terms. There have been many attempts to unravel the secret of how W.D. Gann made his money.

The square spiral of the natural numbers is the Holy Grail of stock market time and price prediction. It is known that Gann used the spiral of numbers, variously named the ‘square of nine’ or ‘Gann wheel’, to predict the time and price at turning points, and was thereby theoretically able to maximise profits from rises and falls in the market. Gann developed a theory of division of the spiral into eighths, to represent both time and the physical process of market activity in terms of rotational angles. It is known, that geometric relationships exist between price changes and time-intervals at reversal points where the market changes direction.

A number of books and articles, which describe some of the relationships that exist between time and price changes in markets and rotations on the square spiral, have appeared over recent years, but no comprehensive theory has been presented until this time. This treatment is intended to provide scientific credibility for the use of the spiral of numbers as the basis for a generalised wavelet analysis and prediction model for random-walk time-series.


  • GANN
The Square Spiral: The Mathematics of Markets By Trevor Casey pdf
3 reviews

3 reviews for The Square Spiral: The Mathematics of Markets

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  1. Leona Peters (verified owner)

    Written more to confuse than elucidate! I took Algebra-Trig, Calculus, Differential Equations, Statistics, Advanced Calculus, Linear Algebra, etc. in college, and am fairly mathematically literate. It seems that the author wanted to be as hard to follow as possible in his work. Too many tangents, awkward language constructs ripped out of math dictionaries, unfruitful trips down one way streets and back again, and paragraphs which must be read multiple times to attempt to discern what the author is saying. And when you finally get to a convoluted example, the methodology is far from convincing. My recommendation to the author is 1) pick a target audience to write for; 2) write in a language and manner that that audience will comprehend; 3) get a representative from that audience to read your work, and if he/she doesn’t understand what you are talking about…; 4) revise your writing and repeat 3). I got little more from reading this book than a slight headache!

  2. Patrick Dean (verified owner)

    Time and price and the markets. Gann’s square of 9 and the mathematics and reasons behind it and more. Waves, cycles, randomness, chaos, squares, etc. Mr. Casey backs up his research and explanations with charts and also the math behind it. Sadly, some have given this book 1 or 2 stars because of the math. That doesn’t make this a “ad book….it just means you didn’t understand it, that’s not the fault of the author. It’s difficult to explain some concepts in simple terms, hence mathematics. You can still gain understanding fom this book if you don’t completely understand the math. You can also review math principles (many free websites) in order to better understand the priciples here and it will be worth it. Also, there is nothing better to sharpen your brain than math! I found this book quite useful for understanding natural phenomenon, time and price as applied to the markets.

  3. Sutton Hampton (verified owner)

    Having met Casey in person, I have been familiar with his line of work since 2005. While non-mathematicians may regard his writing complex, as far as I know, Casey is the first man since Gann to have cracked the secrecy surrounding the Square-of-9. He devised the correct structure of the Square-spiral’s layout, discerned the angular mapping of adjacent time-inverals onto it, and rightly linked the Gann theory to Elliott’s Wave Principle. He taught me to focus on the graph’s X-coordinate instead of the volatile price-coordinate Y, and bove all inspired me to write and publish several articles on Gann, as well as the two books, Mystifying Square — Divine proportions, Nature’s Black Box and The Odyssey of Sacred Knowledge, each containing a chapter dedicated to his findings.

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