Perfect Storm Trading: Accurately Predict Every Price Wave

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In this book, Wendy shares her Perfect Storm option trading strategy, which has been refined from more than ten years in option trading, working with option traders around the world. Wendy is best known for explaining how to trade options in easy-to-understand language with step-by-step examples that makes her strategies great for new or veteran traders. The Perfect Storm strategy looks at specific conditions for an equity that can result in powerful moves that benefit an option trader.


First, you form your beliefs, and then your beliefs form you and the world you live in. You might be eager to jump into my strategy but take a moment to reflect on this. We are all our own self-fulfilling prophecies. We live the lives that we believe we are capable of living. But what if we let ourselves imagine a life of abundance and prosperity? Could we make it happen? The answer to this is YES!

Look at the life you have created. For some, it may not be what you wanted, but for everyone, it is exactly as you expected. Your expectations set the path you follow. Be aware of your creative strength and “consciously” choose what you want in life. Throughout this book, I am going to insert “Joy reminders”. When things get hard, it is easy to lose focus or postpone our dreams. Finding our joy keeps us on track.

Learning to trade options is the easy part.

My dad used to always tell us that “Believing is Seeing” unlike the more commonly shared, “Seeing is Believing.” If you believe something is possible, it is! If you believe you can do it, YOU CAN!


  • Believing IS Seeing
  • Is Fear Holding You Back?
  • The Law of Attraction
  • Positive Expectation Brings Connection
  • Welcome. Let’s Get Started
  • Understanding Wall Street from the Inside Out
  • Concrete Example of How a Put Works
  • Bullish or Bearish
  • Quick Review: Calls and Puts
  • Trade with the Trend
  • Story Illustration of How an Option Works
  • Option Premium
  • Making Sense of Strike Prices
  • More on Option Premiums
  • Volatility: The Movement of Price
  • How Do I Know Which Option to Buy?
  • Limiting Risk
  • One More Way to Limit Risk
  • Trade with Confidence
  • Navigating the Perfect Storm
  • Scanning the Horizon
  • Support and Resistance
  • Fibonacci Patterns in Everything
  • Pivot Points
  • Average Directional Index (ADX)
  • Price Percentage Oscillator (PPO)
  • Commodity Channel Index (CCI)
  • Chart Set-up
  • Special PS+ (Plus) and PS- (Minus) Patterns
  • Perfect Storm+ Pattern
  • PS- Pattern for Puts
  • Entry Signal and Hold Confirmations
  • Exit Indications
  • Recap of Entry and Exit Alerts and Confirmations of a PS+
  • Option Chain
  • Perfect Storm Day-Trading Option Guidelines
  • Day-Trading Requirement Recap
  • Trade Examples
  • Overnight Strategy
  • Last Magical 30 Minutes Trade Strategy
  • Brokerage Accounts
  • Fine Tuning Purchase Prices: Placing Trade Orders
  • Trust in Your Plan
  • Following Through and Trading the Strategy
Perfect Storm Trading: Accurately Predict Every Price Wave By Wendy Kirkland, Kim Kirkland Bellofatto pdf
8 reviews

8 reviews for Perfect Storm Trading: Accurately Predict Every Price Wave

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  1. Lilianna Cole (verified owner)

    Great book well laid out and explained. Each chapter is explained and backed up with colour charts as well.Thank you Wendy.

  2. Nathaniel Little (verified owner)

    After preliminary research, this strategy looked promising. Too bad that the description makes no mention that the charts depicted inside are black and white losing a great deal of information needed to understand the material. Upon further research, there are other options for color charts. I would recommend Sacred Traders or the author divulge this for better results and more positive experience for readers.

  3. Kori Pope (verified owner)

    Wendy Kirkland understands….and is willing to tell some real tips. enjoy

  4. Gunnar Nunez (verified owner)

    Most books are all bun and very little meat. This one is a big fat juicy burger. In a world of traders that flip from this to that approach constantly, it’s was refreshing that you still use the same basic methods that you devised in your pink book years ago. It’s seems that you’ve improved them much further, and your option selection method and rules alone are worth the price of admission. Impressive!

  5. Gage McKee (verified owner)

    I’m an active 93-year old guy who likes to keep things simple, easy to do and comfortably understandable. And to me, the new “color edition” of Wendy Kirkland’s and her perceptibly savvy daughter Kim’s “Perfect Storm Trading” book is just that! What’s more, Wendy explains how trading options really begins with you, how you think and what to do to successfully move forward with positive expectations to make it happen. I sure needed that and perhaps it may give many others a push in the right direction. The book then focuses on trading options and presents an outstanding system (some of it referred to as the P3) that can easily be used with most any Stock, Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) or Index that is optionable. To me, Wendy’s System seems like finding the Holy Grail to produce winning trades in abundance. Moreover, Wendy’s easy-to-understand trading system is enhanced by the many color charts she uses to find potential winners…makes it easy to follow explanations. Wendy (a great teacher) clearly explains how her system can be used in any timeframe for day or swing trading. Although I haven’t made a million yet, I’m having a lot of fun with this system and giving the “Perfect Storm Trading” book a sparkling 5-Star Rating!

  6. Harley Franco (verified owner)

    There are many gurus in markets. 2 types: one trying to turn you into their customer, keep paying them for signals, they claim to give you the fish. The second teach you a system that work, they are teaching you how to fish. I don’t oppose to those who give you the fish, but I love those who are willing to help me become a successful fisherman, by sharing their real success and failure.

  7. Mya Doyle (verified owner)

    I’d been following Wendy for a sort while and ended up getting her Perfect Storm Trading book.
    This is probably the most useful options trading book/guide I have..!
    It’s an easy read and I love the way Wendy goes through each step in an easy to follow process.
    I even managed to score over a 1,000% gain on just one QQQ PUT trade early on using her system..!
    Unfortunately i was only allocating around $250 on the trades at the time while I was still practicing.
    I’d highly recommend this book if you’re looking for a relatively easy to follow system buying Calls & Puts.

  8. Alaric Walls (verified owner)

    Wendy explains option trading in a way that everyday people can be successful. I have started to use her book, and even though I had a few losers, it was due to me not applying the technical indicators correctly. However, when I applied them correctly, I started to have profitable trades. I just placed a trade last night and closed it out today for a profit. Thanks, Wendy, and God bless you.

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