Options Trading (5 Books in 1)

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Options Trading (5 Books in 1) is The Complete Coach-Guide to Teach You How to Face the Options Trading World Seriously &Profitably. Your Personal Pocket Coach Is Ready to Guide You to Profit.  This bundle is for those who are not looking for illusions or immediate solutions for you, but only truthful and serious information about trading in options and dealing with it with all the cards to make it a profitable and lasting business.

This time you want to do things seriously; stop being overwhelmed by all the information fake gurus write on the Internet, making you believe that options trading is a breeze and that you can start to earn after five minutes without first studying and be prepared both technically and mentally. In no other book will you find information as exhaustive, detailed, and practical as in this; the whole world of options trading explained in detail, from its definition to the strategies to be implemented to be profitable, to the mindset necessary to deal with the right attitude markets without being overwhelmed, all in one bundle. In this bundle, you will discover:

  • What Options Trading Is, and it provides high-quality content that will teach you how to take your first steps completely on your own.
  • Everything about Options Trading Psychology and why it is crucial to have the right mindset to become a successful trader.
  • The Most Effective and Profitable Strategies, both for beginners and advanced traders. You will follow the strategy and practically set up the operations, thanks to the combination of theory and practice in this guide.
  • Swing And Day Trading Options Strategies, two of the most important trading modes. A deep explanation of both of them gives you all the necessary information to decide if and how to trade these modes successfully.
  • The Right Mindset to Trade and How You Can Get it, both for beginners and advanced traders. Follow the strategy and practically set up the operations, thanks to the combination of theory and practice explained & Much More!


Book 1:

  • Trading – An Overview
  • Options Contract
  • Best Options Trading Platforms
  • Fundamental Versus Technical Analysis –Pros And Cons Of Different Investment Analysis Method
  • Basics of trading in options
  • Advantages of Trading Options
  • Money Management Techniques
  • Psychological Trading Mistakes
  • Steps to start Trade in Options
  • Best Options Trading Simulator

Book 2:

  • Trading Mindset
  • The power of resilience
  • Money management
  • Trading Mistake which Destroys the Account
  • Trading Psychology & Discipline Importance
  • Trading Focus – Top Ways to Maintain it
  • Trading goals

Book 3:

  • The basic understanding of Options trading
  • Types of Options trading
  • Options trading strategies
  • Other strategies in trading
  • Options trading Strategies with practical examples
  • Portfolio management

Book 4:

  • Day trading: Basics
  • How to select Right Day Trading Market
  • Day Trading options
  • Day trading options with a strategy
  • How to reduce the cost of options
  • Building Balanced Portfolio in Options
  • Swing trading: Basics
  • Swing Trading Options
  • Swing Trading Strategy
  • How to Construct a Minimal Risk Swing Trade Portfolio
  • Swing Trading vs. Day Trading
  • Do swing and day trading complements each other?

Book 5:

  • Options and its Increasing Popularity as a Trading Technique
  • Options and Trading Markets
  • Portfolio Management and Trading Techniques
  • Psychological and Common Trading Mistakes
  • Effective use of Technical Analysis in Options Trading
Options Trading (5 Books in 1) By Ryan Drake pdf
6 reviews

6 reviews for Options Trading (5 Books in 1)

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  1. Dash Bautista (verified owner)

    I am disappointed. When I ordered this book I thought it will be very professional. I don’t like it. In my opinion, I can find a better book on the market. Other thing is, the book made black and white. It was not a good purchase for me.

  2. Eloise Hendricks (verified owner)

    Thank you Ryan Drake. I’ve been really researching and studying I do many many books over the last over the last 2 months.This set really put everything together in a way in a that has made me feel truly confident about options trading. The second Book on the Psychology of Trading is so essential. It is so important that you have the right mindset. You’ve got to be disciplined and organized and on point at all times. If you don’t have a really good understanding of all the strategies and the right attitude when you’re gonna start trading, it’s not going to work for you. If your process isn’t good, you’re not going to win. If you’ve ever thought about going into options trading, I seriously recommend that you get this book set.

  3. Jovanni Burton (verified owner)

    In my avid interest in learning about how to trade options I purchase this book series written by Ryan Drake. He helps you get the proper mindset and trading psychology. He explains option trading and give strategies to get started. He gives a complete crash course for all the different options. He also takes the time to explain day and swing trading. After all this excellent information I know I will have the tools to create the passive income portfolio of my dreams.

  4. Angel Johnston (verified owner)

    Anyone considering purchasing this book should be forewarned. This book is so poorly written and compiled (not to mention edited) that a reader will not gain a clear understanding of options by reading it. I really dislike having to return any book for a refund, but had to in this case. I have about 6000 books in my personal library, and about 10% of them pertain to the topic of trading in stocks and futures. In fact, I have never returned a book until this one.

    It is tempting to simply say “Do Not Buy This Book!”, but I will supply a few reasons:

    1) You know a non-fiction book is no good when the author’s name is a fake name. This author is “Ryan Drake”. I can practically guarantee that is a fabricated name, and I knew it simply from the sound of it. The point is that a pseudonym is used here to protect the real author (surely some greedy “foreigner”) from being exposed.

    2) Throughout this book we encounter countless, I mean many hundreds or thousands, of grammatical errors, incomplete sentences, and very peculiar statements which all reveal one conclusion. And that is that it was written by one or more persons for whom English is not their native language. So it is not only poorly written, but rather insulting to be constantly reminded that the reader is being ripped off.

    3) The listing claims credit for giving us “5 Books for the Price of 1”. What a joke. There is not even ONE book here, not a complete one anyway. It is just a random compilation of poorly written pages and topics, all repetitive, very jumbled. and totally disorganized. In other words, there was zero editing ever applied. I do not even have words to properly explain how poorly written and thrown together this book is.

    4) Another insulting fact: this book was set in an overly large childish typefont, with very wide line spacing. An author chooses this route when trying to hide the fact that they really have little to say. Also, the page layout itself is so poor that it practically hurts the eyes to even look at a page. You have to see it to realize how annoying this all is, but I do not recommend buying it just to see it.

    5) To summarize, this book is just a concocted disorganized mess. Not a real book. Clearly it was produced for one purpose only: to make good money in this lucrative field while providing no real value. Perhaps there is some novice who knows absolutely nothing about options, who can glean a few small things here. But the more you know about options, the more you will realize how truly useless this book is. I returned it (at some inconvenience) and bought the most seriously written tome on options that I could find, to augment my selection of other books on option trading. I do not want the “Drake” book spoiling my trading library!

  5. Miriam Ramos (verified owner)

    This book has many grammatical errors and the composition will leave you scratching your head asking what you just read. It had to be translated from another language to English and very poorly at that. I couldn’t believe that someone actually published this. It’s total “Pidgin” English. Then I looked up all of the reviews and most are fraudulent. If you open one up, you’ll see that they review tens of books each day they review. It’s and absolute impossibility to do so. Do check them out. So much for “Verified” purchaser reviews. Don’t be scammed by buying this book. Mine will be returned. Oh, also it said on the inside cover that it was produced in Orlando FL, USA on the same day I ordered it. Good luck!!

  6. Antonella O’Connell (verified owner)

    The grammar and spelling in this book make it very hard to take seriously. I respect that the author wanted to publish this himself, but he should have had it reviewed. I relied on this for help with a job position but am having to use another source because I could not get past the first 100 pages. Another version, after being proofread might be great, but as is, I would not recommend this book.

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