Numerology for Healing: Your Personal Numbers as the Key to a Healthier Life







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In Numerology for Healing, Michael Brill combines numerology with psychology, quantum physics, and the concepts of gematria and reincarnation to create a unique approach to healing emotional and physical problems based on life challenges and karmic lessons. Humans suffer from a profound sense of abandonment when the soul is decanted from the Universal Oneness into the confines of a personality. Brill explains how this sense of abandonment manifests itself in two principal types of behavior: people work to be loved and appreciated for who they are, or they try to control and micromanage their lives and relationships so that nothing goes wrong. Both of these behavior patterns are exhausting physically, emotionally, and mentally and are clear catalysts for illness.

Author’s Note:

Generally, most people will agree that illness, disease, and physical injury can be caused by stress—rushing around, doing too much, doing too little, genes, exhaustion, impulsiveness, or just bad luck. My belief is that most of our health issues are the result of behavior patterns associated with anxiety and stress, generated by unresolved issues of abandonment and fears of being alone. This anxiety is universal and begins with the illusion of being separated from the energy of the cosmic Source and, then, being physically separated from the “mother source” when the umbilical cord is severed at birth. These core abandonment issues cause us to behave in such a way that we will garner love, recognition, appreciation, and gratitude for what we do and who we are. Or they can lead us to try to control and micromanage every aspect of our lives so that nothing goes wrong and we don’t get blamed or humiliated. Both behavior patterns are physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausting—and are the catalysts for our illnesses, diseases, and physical injuries.

Numbers and letters represent the codes of creation, which are generated by cosmic choice. Cosmic Numerology allows us to understand, measure, and interpret combinations of energies as they interact with our realities. It allows us to see the patterns of creation as well as the patterns of our lives. The numeric patterns described in this book correspond to patterns of behavior that are the catalysts for specific illnesses and diseases. The behavior patterns are generated at the soul level prior to incarnating and are influenced and directed by particles and waves of positive and negative energy generated by intention. It is my belief that a soul consciously selects the letters of its name and the numbers for its birthday, along with a specific birth or adoptive family to initiate its life movie. Specific challenges and soulutions are also chosen. The soul comes in, knowing what is ahead and that it has enough grace to successfully accomplish what it came to do in this lifetime.

It is my hope that you will enjoy this book and learn how and why you have created the specific challenges and joys in your life. Specifically, this book will help you better understand how and why your behavior patterns helped manifest your health challenges. I also hope to provide you with some soulutions and answers that will assist you on your healing journey.

We will begin by exploring some of the theories behind Cosmic Numerology—the relationship between numbers and the divine energy of creation, reincarnation, and basic human behavior patterns—before moving on to the specifics of how the system works. In chapter 3 you will learn how to identify your own challenge numbers: the achievement number, major and minor life challenges, and karmic lessons. Learning how to interpret these numbers and the personality traits associated with them will help you better understand why you behave the way you do. Chapter 4 will teach you how to identify the soulutions to your challenges and will provide an introduction to numeric daisy chains, a technique that maps the eighty-one basic patterns of human personality and reveals the specific negative behavior patterns associated with each. Identifying and changing just two of the most repetitive patterns can bring profound healing changes to your life. In chapter 5 I detail the numeric qualities of more than two hundred physical and mental conditions and associated symptoms. This section will allow you to explore the direct relationships between your personal numbers—specifically numeric challenges—and the illnesses you have contracted, or created. By revealing your positive and negative tendencies and characteristics, you can learn how to use them to achieve a healthier life. We will conclude with a final look at the choices that lead to illness and those that bring healing.

As you become more familiar with the numbers, it will become increasingly automatic not only to convert letters into their numeric equivalents but also to know the specific qualities associated with each number. The conversion chart for identifying the numeric equivalents of letters appears on page 16 and in miniature at the top of each page. A summary of the positive and negative interpretations of each number appears beginning on page 18. You may find it helpful to flag this page for easy reference as you discover and interpret your numbers. Approach this book as you would a bountiful meal, to be eaten in small portions and digested slowly. Dessert is revelation and insight.


  • The Theories Behind Cosmic Numerology
  • How Cosmic Numerology Works
  • Finding Your Challenge Numbers
  • Identifying the Soulutions to Your Challenges
  • Numeric Interpretations of Specific Illnesses and Diseases
Numerology for Healing: Your Personal Numbers as the Key to a Healthier Life By Michael Brill pdf