Electional Astrology
Author(s) | |
Format |
Pages |
88 |
Published Date |
2005 |
Electional Astrology is concerned with the choosing of a propitious time for the commencement of any undertaking. Fundamentally, it is the converse of Horary Astrology, for although the methods are similar, Electional starts from the point at which Horary Astrology finishes and works back to the point at which the latter begins.
The subject of Electional Astrology, or more simply Elections, is concerned with the choosing, or “electing”, of propitious times for the commencement of any undertaking. Essentially it is the converse of Horary Astrology, for though its methods and procedure are similar it starts from the point at which Horary Astrology finishes and works back to the point at which the latter begins.
To put the matter rather more explicitly let us assume that a business is to be started. The businessman selects a date and time based upon reasons of convenience or some other practical consideration, and this automatically becomes the birth time of the undertaking. A horoscope set for this time is a Horary figure, or as Carter aptly terms it, an Inceptional figure, and by applying the rules of Horary Astrology one can predict the ups and downs of the business then begun and its ultimate success or failure.
But it is obvious that there is another way of going to work. If the horoscope for the start shows failure, why not begin at some other time when the horoscope favours the venture? In other words, why not choose a suitable horoscope first, and fit everything else into that? This is the theory upon which Elections are based, and Electional Astrology is concerned with the rules to be followed in building up a favourable horoscope to suit any given purpose.
The general principle of making an election is extremely simple. We have to take the planetary positions as we find them within a certain limit of time, and arrange them into the horoscope diagram so that the planets ruling the matter concerned are as strong and free from affliction as we can make them, and all the hindrances and afflicting positions are tucked neatly away where they can do the least possible harm. This process of making any given planet as strong as it can be is known as fortifying it, and it consists in placing the planet in a favourable sign in an angle or an appropriate house, and in so arranging the date that it receives good aspects from the benefics Venus and Jupiter, and is not afflicted, nor in some cases aspected at all, by the malefics Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Unfortunately, we are always very dependent upon the general planetary positions at the time, and it is usually quite impossible to make an ideal election, because the planets will most disobligingly refuse to arrange themselves suitably within the time-limit at our disposal. In such cases we have to do the best we can with the available material, but with a little trouble it will always be found possible to obtain an election that is reasonably satisfactory. The subject is usually divided into three broad classes according to the basis upon which the Electional map is made, and we have to consider Radical Elections, Mundane Elections, and Ephemeral or Horary Elections.
Electional Astrology By Vivian E. Robson pdf
10 reviews for Electional Astrology
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Ridge Mann (verified owner) –
This book discusses “astrology to select time”, electorical, which is one of the tools of astrology.
A technique in which each of us’s real life is based on birth time and location, based on the ideology represented by the Natural Chart, which takes the reverse direction of the proceeding, i.e. Select time and location to create a chart that is favorable for the client (the arrangement that makes things go as desired as possible), It is an erectional astrology.
My name is unacceptable, but what is “preferable for clients” here is that the client works, work (opening, etc.), marriage, travel, etc. The event is to move forward in a circle, where it is clogged, that horoscope can be created not only for our human births but also for all events in astrology. There are no charts or tables in this book.
After reading this book, one thing I can say is that this book is at the top of Sacredtraders, Astrology ranking is that it briefly conveys wisdom It is because it is accepted by many astrologers and astrologers.
Messiah Schultz (verified owner) –
book was perfect, thank you Sacredtraders.
Briella Grimes (verified owner) –
Ancient astrology encompasses the following four divisions, and in actual divination, knowledge and techniques are used according to the subject matter.
★ Nativities: Personal Destiny
★ Elections (Electional Astrology): Improvement of Destiny
★ Questions (Horary Astrology): The solution of certain problems
★ Mundane (Manden Astrology):
The fate of a nation Traditional illectional astrology makes it personal When you use it, you usually choose a good time based on your personal natal chart. In short, you don’t just choose a good time.
This book only describes how to choose a good time, and does not describe any specific relationship with the important underlying chart.
Raiden Mathews (verified owner) –
For many years, I have been returning to the same books by Vivienne Robson, which I recommend to everyone, beginners and practitioners alike. Excellent writing, excellent knowledge of traditional astrology. I like this author. A must for all astrologers.
Nancy Cummings (verified owner) –
This classic book is very difficult to read
Emily Padilla (verified owner) –
The material is very general and broad. But, you can rest assured that Mr. Robson researched the material on all subjects throughly. Good general reference on elections.
Harlan Vaughan (verified owner) –
First off, Vivian is a dude, which I guess was common back in the late 1800’s. Second, this is good stuff but if you have astrology software you can skip large parts of it (…thank God for computers). Third, you need lots of coffee to get through this stuff. Anachronistic but nice filler for what you will never read from a modern astrologer who abhors the words “malefic” or anything negative.
Guadalupe Stephens (verified owner) –
No, this is not a book for beginners. No, you can’t jump straight from Sun Sign readings to electional astrology. Yes, elections are really that much more difficult Yes, the language is 100 years old.
Get over it. At least if you really want to learn and truly understand electional astrology.
This is the real deal nuts and bolts and bones. For the serious.
Sloan Skinner (verified owner) –
Two things to note right up front: this book, published in 1937, was written by a British guy born in 1890, and that British guy states in the introduction that you’ll need a good grounding in basic astrology in order to use the book. What constituted “basic astrology” in the early 20th century was more detailed and precise–less psychological, metaphysical, and intuitive–than the Western astrology of the late 20th century that still dominates the field. (It was also more sexist–it didn’t know any better. Astrology still struggles with that, frankly.)
So yes, the writing style is roughly 100 years old, and the book isn’t for beginners. But I took my time and read through each concept several times, and found a treasure trove of specific instructions for setting up a valid election. I’m a fairly accomplished and widely-read amateur astrologer of the late-20th century school, and I had to dig deep to get Robson’s meaning in some places. It helped to set up example charts and follow his steps carefully. How they had the patience for this before computers is hard to imagine!
Robson acknowledges the astrological use of both Uranus and Neptune, mentioning them several times as malefics and detailing their power in various aspects. (He doesn’t mention Pluto. The book was published only seven years after Pluto’s discovery, and presumably its astrological character hadn’t been developed yet.) It was interesting to me to see that Robson gives “permission,” so to speak, to use the trans-Saturnians in elections, even though the ancients didn’t know about them.
All this horary and election stuff–faces and terms and decans and planetary hours, dispositors and Lords of Houses and even malefics and benefics–seemed quaint and irrelevant in my astrology school days, but now seems new and fascinating again. This book is a great place to start if you’re comfortable with the formal writing style and are willing to take your time.
Jaden Jaramillo (verified owner) –
The book is clearly written and provides detailed information on the best astrological times to do things or begin different types of projects. Basic astrological knowledge is required.