Bear Market Investing Strategies

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Bear Market Investing Strategies is designed to upgrade investors’ knowledge with the basics of how to make investment decisions, with particular reference to bear markets, bull market corrections and recessions. But simply knowing how to make respectable buy and sell decisions is not enough.


This book offers both the novice and the seasoned investor perspectives on investment theory and strategies, with particular reference to recessionary times. Chapter 2 defines exactly what a bear market is and how it is different from corrective reactions in a bull market. Wars, terrorism, politics, and social events in the main only affect markets indirectly. Chapter 3 describes past bear markets, as measured by the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The purpose is to create models of what past bear markets looked like, to be used as context when you construct your own view of possible future action.

Chapter 4 lists economic and other general signs that suggest a bull market is ending and a bear market is beginning. Chapter 5 discusses foreign investment and whether one should put money abroad in a bear market. Chapter 6 discusses the difference between a bear market rally (secondary reaction) and the beginning of a new bull market.

Chapter 7 is the mirror image of Chapter 6. It discusses down-legs in a bear market and how they differ from reactions in a bull market. Chapter 8 lists specific technical indicators that you can use for measuring both bull and bear markets (tools which act consistently in both bull and bear markets). Chapter 9 lists those technical indicators that behave very differently in bear markets to bull markets, so you need to decide which is occurring before you use these indicators.

Chapter 10 discusses the usefulness of Cycles study. Cycles have their modest place in your toolbox of past models of markets, but the past never repeats exactly—as many cycles aficionados would have you believe. Chapter 11 teaches you about chart reading and chart interpretation. For most people, data in the form of a chart is more meaningful. ‘‘A picture speaks a thousand words.’’

Chapter 12 gives basic rules of investment in a bear market, when preserving capital is more important than risk taking. Chapter 13 teaches you all you ever wanted to know about short selling. Chapter 14 is perhaps the most important chapter in the book. No matter how savvy an investor you are, there will be times when you will be quite wrong about the direction of the market.

Chapter 15 shows no matter whether you are a short-, medium- or long-term trader or investor, you really must develop a more flexible approach to buying and selling in a bear market than in boom times. Bear markets are a lot more volatile than bull markets, so they have to be watched more closely.

Chapter 16 offers you some defensive investments that enable you to sleep nights, some of which you can hold long term. The trick is deciding what sort of bear market we are in, before you decide which defensive investments to choose. Chapters 17 and 18 discuss how human emotions, particularly your emotions affect your investment decisions.


Bear Market Investing Strategies By Harry D. Schultz pdf
6 reviews

6 reviews for Bear Market Investing Strategies

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  1. Piper Herrera (verified owner)

    The book was very straight forward and very interesting,. I have found alot of the information was true.

  2. Kyla Reed (verified owner)

    Save your money for something more useful. There is nothing in this book that makes it worth the price. A far better book on bear market investing is “Riding the Bear” by Sy Harding. And for concepts about timing the market and investing both long and short, see Les Masonson’s “All About Market Timing” and Deborah Wair’s “Timing the Market.”

  3. Dax Price (verified owner)

    Good tips such as to invest in gold and using shorting. I would recommend “After Shock” and ” “Random Walk Down Wall Street.”

  4. Arlo Maxwell (verified owner)

    If you had acted on the advice in this book 3 years ago you would be rich, but don’t let that stop you from reading it now. By most historical models the stock market remains wildly overvalued and the information in this book retains its validity today. This book is a joy to read and offers balance to the talking heads at CNBC and the other mainstream media outlets that could never call a top to the market, but issue new prognostications about a bottom every week. The information on short selling alone is worth the price of the book.

  5. Leslie Valencia (verified owner)

    In the late ’90s, when the market was going up almost every day, investing was easy and everybody was a genius. Things have changed, and those who haven’t changed their strategies have gotten clobbered. Mr. Schultz gives good ideas for preserving your account in rough times. I subscribe to several great sites, among them and, and this, combined with some strategies in Mr. Schultz’s book, have helped me to keep most of my account intact through this market.

  6. Easton Zuniga (verified owner)

    Of course, the author is well known for his financial writings, having experienced the Great Depression, WW2, the stagflation of the ’70s, etc. yet finding profit during these periods. “Bear Market Investing Strategies” is the summation of the author’s methods of preserving, even gaining wealth during financial disasters.

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