A Trader’s Money Management System: How to Ensure Profit and Avoid the Risk of Ruin

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In A Trader’s Money Management System, expert Bennett McDowell provides time-tested techniques that can turn a losing trader into a winning one and take the winning trader to an entirely new level.

Author’s Introduction:

This book, a Trader’s Money Management System is my personal approach to staying out of trouble in the financial markets and maximizing
my profits. It’s a comprehensive strategy that will take you from the psychology of risk control to the finer aspects of setting stop-loss exits and the value of managing trade size, to record keeping. Finally, it is a step-by-step guide on how to put together a personal system that works for you. In the spirit of expecting the unexpected, we can always attempt to plan for what might happen. In doing so, there are half a dozen primary types of risk for you to consider every time you place a trade. We will cover each of these in detail in the coming chapters, but ponder the following top six for now:

  • 1. Trade risk
  • 2. Market risk
  • 3. Margin risk
  • 4. Liquidity risk
  • 5. Overnight risk
  • 6. Volatility risk

A Trader’s Money Management System is laid out in five parts, all designed to help you develop your own money management system. Following is a summary of the parts so you will have an understanding of where to get what you need at any given point along the way. Make the book work for you. Refer to the table of contents if you want to dive in to one specific topic, you can fluidly move from one part of the material to the other, depending on your experience level and needs.


  • Psychology of Risk Control
  • Stop-Loss Exits
  • Trade Size Does Matter
  • Record Keeping and Profit/Loss Analysis
  • Design Your Own Plan
A Trader's Money Management System: How to Ensure Profit and Avoid the Risk of Ruin By Bennett A. McDowel PDF
24 reviews

24 reviews for A Trader’s Money Management System: How to Ensure Profit and Avoid the Risk of Ruin

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  1. Valentin Flores (verified owner)

    “Half of life is luck; the other half is discipline – and that’s the important half, for without discipline you wouldn’t know what to do with luck.” Carl Zuckmeyer

    Bennett McDowell has a passion for converting traders to being “disciplined” traders. His book reads like a friend or a coach passing along some hard-earned, valuable truths. He first puts forth what he considers the foundations of trading success and goes about covering each item in turn. They all revolve the concepts of discipline and protecting yourself from catastrophic losses in your trading account.

    To achieve the first he emphasizes the use of stops on every trade, and diligent record keeping. The second builds on the first. Stops are integral to determining the optimal trade size for every trade in alignment with managing your exposure to the “risk of ruin”. McDowell tips his hat to authors who pioneered the application of risk of ruin concepts to trading and who provide a more advanced and academic analysis. Meanwhile, he provides street level guidance for someone new to money management techniques in a straightforward set of steps.

    A feedback loop containing your actual win ratio, payoff ratio, and account size are dynamically used with risk of ruin tables or Balsara’s optimal f formula to set the number of shares to trade in each transaction. All this is done to enable you to absorb losses and still survive to trade another day.

    McDowell accomplishes his task of introducing traders to this critical topic in a clear manner allowing you to immediately implement his recommendations. Money management is one of those topics that you’ll come to appreciate sooner or later. Whether you learn it now, or learn it later, “A Trader’s Money Management System” provides a solid initial grounding in money management techniques for traders.

  2. Anders Lozano (verified owner)

    As a beginner investor in the stocks,I felt the need for a good money management system and afer attending a few webinars I purchased the book.

    For novices,the book is well written and is easily understood and Mr. Mcdowell has done a great job of explaining the complex concepts in a simplified manner.The book also sheds some ligt on the traders psychology and provides for an easy reference to assess some ones strenghts and liabilities and how to use them to ones advantage.It has successfully introduced a few new risk management practices into my trading style and I am already seeing the fruits of these concepts.As they say, a successful trader needs a system,traders psychology and money management.
    This book certainly covers these important aspects of trading.For any one embarking upon making their own trading decisions,this book is a must read.
    2 people found this helpful

  3. Emerie Knox (verified owner)

    Bought this book less than a month back. Got it thru a friend since I live halfway across the globe. Spend less than 4 days finishing it. It is not as complete as I would like it to be (missing risk of ruin tables found in another money management for futures book) but it deals with the basics of money management. Spends a lot of time trying to convince the reader the importance of money management, which I found essential because if the reader doesn’t believe it, the information is useless.

    It gives a basic record keeping forms which I find extremely useful and am going to apply it.

    I believe money management plays a bigger/more important role in being a successful trader than chart reading skills. An essential book for anyone who is serious about trading (be in stocks, options, currency, futures etc.)

  4. Celine Whitney (verified owner)

    All traders attempt to discover the “Holy Grail” at some point in their trading careers. Most traders lose all their capital (money) in this quest. The truth is – there is NO HOLY GRAIL! Every trader loses on a percentage of their trades. The key is: lose as little as possible on your losers and win as much as possible on your winners, which is easier said than done, I know.
    Bennett McDowell’s “A Trader’s Money Management System” is a thoughtful and precision-based approach to maintaining a firm grasp on your trading track record. This is accomplished through a detailed and process of documenting every trade and being totally honest with yourself about your trading as you review your trading results.
    Bennett’s writing is accessible and, most important, makes sense! His system is simple and he has gone the extra mile and created an amazing software package called the Trader’s Assistant that takes everything he teaches in the book to a whole new level.
    If you’re serious about trading successfully, you NEED this book!

  5. Erin Summers (verified owner)

    This is the greatest book on money and risk management!
    Money Management is one of the most important aspects of trading, but it is a complex and boring subject. Mr.McDowell makes some of these complex concepts (like the risk-of-ruin tables) and formulas easy to understand and interesting. You don’t need a Ph D in mathematics to implement them. This book has elevated my level of awareness of the importance of integrating trading strategies with good money management.
    The next big thing this book provides is “The Trader’s Assistant Record Keeping System”. Good and accurate record keeping are vital to any successful business. Appendix B of this book provides all the forms you need for your trading business. This one alone is worth more than the price of this book.
    Also, the services from the home office are excellent. Jean returned my call promptly (even on a Friday afternoon) and she is very friendly and helpful. Thanks Jean, you are great! Now, I am going to order Mr. McDowell’s other book: “The ART of Trading”.

  6. Luna Townsend (verified owner)

    This book is a “MUST” for all traders and investors. It explains, without the typical jargon, how to size your buys and sells to maximize profit potential, and much more importantly, to minimize losses in this un fathomable market enviroment. It explains how to use your trading history to more intelligently strategize future trading behaviors. I will definitely use this book – I did not think I would need this book but now I know I will refer to it often – it will not just collect dust on my bookshelf. A “MUST” for serious traders!

  7. Kian Anthony (verified owner)

    Have been trading currency markets for a number of years. Found McDowell’s book to be extremely practical. Lots of examples made it easy to connect the dots specially for people that have not done this before. Since the basic principles illustrated in the book apply across multiple markets, I would have liked to see a little more diversification of examples across other markets, such as forex, particularly with the record keeping examples. All in all, highly recommend it.

  8. Danna Weeks (verified owner)

    I recomend this book to all of novice and also expert traders, and the reason is that only when I started to follow certain rules for the position size and money and risk management I saw the light.
    This book really helps you to plan and manage trades, with discipline to follow your trading strategy.
    Thanks to Bennett McDowell to share his knowledge with us trough this book.

  9. Darius Delacruz (verified owner)

    I found A Trader’s Money Management System extremely valuable and informative. In this book Bennett McDowell divides money management into five parts: The Psychology of Risk Control, Stop-Loss Exits, Trade Size, Record Keeping and Design Your Own Plan. In the Psychology of Risk Control section he discusses the need for a plan of risk control then presents ways of uncovering your psychological makeup which either aid or hinder your trading. Then he outlines a systematic approach to turning your weaknesses into strengths on the way to a trader’s mindset. In the Stop-Loss Exit section Mr. McDowell makes a case for stop-losses and gives rules and their uses in different market conditions. The Trade Size section was fascinating, perhaps because I am a math major. Here he explains the tables and formulas for determining the amount of capital to risk, the trade size to achieve this and the probabilities for risk-of-ruin based on your personal success ratios. The Record Keeping Section explains the use of ledgers and score cards to track your trades and analyze your success rates which is vital to becoming a master trader. Finally in Design Your Own Plan Mr. McDowell puts it all together with a step-by-step checklist and personal questionnaire to help you design a realistic and workable plan that you can implement on a regular basis. This book is well written and concise. I highly recommend it for all levels of traders.

  10. Richard Escobar (verified owner)

    I was interested in the software first, so I placed the order for the book any way. When it came, I put it on the side and started to use the software. But then I realized, I should read this book. WOW…once you read it, and along with the software, I made $3K first time I used it. Just followed my own stock, watched the pyramid and took the trades. WOW. AGAIN.
    Awesome book. Must have . It actually sits next to me all the time… I love it…

  11. Haven Gomez (verified owner)

    I am not a buyer of Bennett McDowel’s software, after having reviewed it, but I think this book is defintely worth the time. Money management is a too often ignored part of trading, and yet this book convinces me it is critical.

  12. Macy Bradley (verified owner)

    This is a nice introductory read into the Art of Money management.For someone starting afresh and with no clue of most financial matters its a great,great read.

  13. Edison Bruce (verified owner)

    The book provides an effective strategy of money managment for “day trading” and “general stock investing”. The focus is primarily on the “day trading” money management. However I would strongly recommend this to the average investor, to learn money managment concepts and the reasons for significant losses and missing major gains in their portfolio. Applying these strategies to stock investing would have significantly improved my return over the last several years. The downside to the book is that in the last two chapters they are trying to sell their services and products for tracking and reporting on “wins and losses”, etc. A very similar reporting feature is available in MetaTrader 4.
    Overall, I would still strongly recommend the book for the money management concepts and strategies. You’ll make more than the cost of the book on your next stock investment.

  14. Emilia Roman (verified owner)

    I enjoyed McDowell’s writing style. It was a quick read and easy to understand. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a “basic” understanding of risk psychology, methods and procedures.

    I only gave the book (3) stars because the author makes a general explanation of important concepts and then sights other books to read for a more thorough understanding. It was enough to get my lips wet, but left me thirsty for a better understanding. I now have to refer to other sources.

  15. Haylee Cline (verified owner)

    Never trade more than 2% of your total capital. There, you no longer need to read this book because there is nothing else of value in it.

  16. Jeffery David (verified owner)

    I find this book an eye opener in explaining in simple layman language the money management concepts to prevent risk of ruin. As a novice trader, it has since helped me to control my risks in my trades while learning the other aspects of trading. Otherwise, given my impetuous character, by the time I learnt the ropes and trading mindset needed , would probably have lost all my trading capital.

    Thank you Mr. McDowell, this book has saved my day.

  17. Alan Moore (verified owner)

    place stops let profits run , advanced traders have higher risk tolerance, really really basic, not worth the price at all, a media for selling some other a.r.t system based on triangles to people, really a scam within a scam

  18. Marilyn Gardner (verified owner)

    Others have already given good accounts of what this book covers, so I won’t rehash them here. If you haven’t already accepted the premise, you should: money management is absolutely essential for trading success.

    That said, I was a bit disappointed by the lack of depth in this book. Van Tharp provides much more detail and far more types of strategies in the Definitive Guide to Position sizing. (For non-expert traders, my recommendation: don’t try to tackle Ralph Vince. He provides interesting information, but does not do justice to the real-life psychology involved in implementing “optimal” sizing strategies and could be financially hazardous if you are not a lights-out good trader.)

    If you haven’t already accepted money management as essential, this book is a good intro. If you have and are looking for a detailed treatment of the topic, get Tharp’s Definitive Guide instead.

  19. Emily Avila (verified owner)

    Just the usual – you need a plan, stop-loss – and nothing, but nothing original. At least nice reviews from other readers…

  20. Alexis Yoder (verified owner)

    Basic but so tough to apply when eager to succed. excelent book.
    Ideal for day trading system set ups parameters. importance of size and money management

  21. Isaiah Holmes (verified owner)

    Like many other aspiring traders, I started by focusing on trading systems that promised high rates of return. While these may have worked well for others, my lack of understanding and discipline regarding risk management, trading mindset and record keeping was more than enough to sabotage my trading them successfully. It’s this dilemma that Bennett McDowell addresses with this book, and he does it in a way that skips fancy approaches in favor of a simple, time-tested set of tools that even a novice trader can understand and put to immediate use. Well worth the cost, especially for beginners, and almost certain to spare you both unnecessary losses and loads of frustration.

  22. Bailey Collier (verified owner)

    Light read.

  23. Cullen Cortez (verified owner)

    I will recommend that book for beginners traders. I read a lot of books. The informations here are essential and concrete.

  24. Jaylen Barton (verified owner)

    This book is in the mid-range between too technical, and therefore not very useful, and too simplistic. The chapter on Risk of Ruin (ROR) alone should allay the fears of the most neophyte trader.

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