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About the Author

Wendy Kirkland has been successfully analyzing the trends of the market and sharing her profitable patterns with other like-minded option traders since 2009. Best known for her P3 pattern that works in any market anda variety of time frames, Wendy has written 16 books that use variations of this pattern and others that she has developed to fulfill her personal goal of helping others achieve their own personal financial independence.

For twenty-five years, Wendy Kirkland was a working partner in a gift shop located in Historic Biltmore Village in Asheville, NC. The business supported her family of three children with a good life, but, as Wendy neared retirement age, she realized she and her husband Jack had left themselves out of the financial equation. They’d set up a retirement account, but, over the years, others’ needs always seemed more pressing, and retirement seemed a lifetime away.

Her search and need to take immediate control of her financial future brought her to option trading and the financial leverage it offers. Finding the potential to make a full-time income while working on a part-time basis, Wendy wrote, along with co-author Virginia McCullough, OPTION TRADING IN YOUR SPARE TIME to give others the opportunity to benefit from this income source that can be worked a few hours a week from home or anywhere else. Since that time, she has written 16 books that are available from a variety of sources.