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About the Author

John J. Murphy is an American financial market analyst, and is considered a proponent of inter-market technical analysis, a field pioneered by Michael E.S. Gayed in his 1990 book. He has authored several books including Technical Analysis of the Futures Markets. He later revised and broadened this book into Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets.

After having graduated in the late 1960s with a liberal arts degree, Murphy searched for a position in a Wall Street firm. His first job was with CIT Financial Corporation, where he worked as an assistant to the portfolio manager and charted stocks. In the early 1970s, he worked for Merrill Lynch in their commodity department where he, later on, was promoted to the post of director of technical analysis. In the 1980s, Murphy started off on his own working as a consultant and teaching evening courses at the New York Institute of Finance. During his time as a teacher, he also wrote his very first book named Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets.

Technical Analysis of the Futures Markets is regarded as a standard reference of technical analysis and is still popular today. Intermarket Analysis: Profiting From Global Market Relationships was a primary source for the Chartered Market Technicians Association Chartered Market Technician Level 3 exam.

He emphasizes the use of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to implement asset allocation and sector rotation strategies as well as global trading. He is Chief Technical Analyst, at His investment opinion has appeared in Barron’s. He has appeared on Bloomberg TV, CNN Moneyline, Nightly Business Report, Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyser and 7 years on CNBC.