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About the Author

Dr. Donald A. Walker is a former professor and chairperson of the Department of Economics. He received his PhD degree in economics from Harvard University and his MA degree in economics from the University of Texas. Walker was a member of the Department of Economics from 1969 to his retirement in 1998. In 1988 he was the first faculty member awarded University Professor status for his outstanding teaching, research, scholarly activity, and service. His research and publications have appeared in virtually every top journal in economics. His areas of expertise are Microeconomic Theory, History of Economic Thought, and General Economics. He was President of the History of Economics Society in 1987-1988, Editor of the Journal of the History of Economic Thoughts from 1989-1999, and the first President of the International Walras Society, 1997-2000. –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

He is the author of Walras’s Market Models (Cambridge University Press, 1996), Advances in General Equilibrium Theory (1997), and many articles and reviews in professional journals, chapters in collections, and entries in handbooks and encyclopedias. Professor walker is the editor of William Jaffe’s Essay’s on Walras (Cambridge University Press, 1983), Money and Markets: Essays by Robert W. Clower (Cmabridge University Press, 1984), Equilibrium (3 vols., 2000), The Legacy of Leon Walras (2 vols., 2001), and, with J.-P. Potier, of La Correspondance entre Aline Walras et William Jaffe (2004), among other works.