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About the Author

Bangalore Venkata Raman (8 August 1912 – 20 December 1998) was an Indian astrologer in modern India and an author of numerous books and articles. He was instrumental in making Vedic Astrology (Saint Parashar System) or Hindu astrology known and respected throughout India and across the world. With the help of his sons Niranjan Babu and Sachidananda Babu, he also started the Raman & Rajeswari Research Foundation to promote the knowledge of Astrology and Vastu Shastra.

Raman revitalized and took charge of “The Astrological Magazine” in 1936, a publication previously overseen by his grandfather. He remained dedicated to his role as its editor for an impressive span of over 62 years. Upon his passing, the responsibility of managing the magazine fell to his son, Niranjan Babu Bangalore, and his daughter, Gayatri Devi Vasudev. Regrettably, the magazine ceased its operations in December 2007, a decision made without a specified rationale.

However, it has experienced a revival in the form of “The Astrological eMagazine,” now steered by Raman’s son, Niranjan Babu. Raman’s influence extended beyond the confines of the publication. He admirably represented India on the international stage, participating in the Astrological Congress held in Cambridge, England, as well as the International Astrology Conference in New York. Throughout his travels, he delivered a multitude of lectures across various countries including Germany, England, France, Italy, Austria, Holland, Canada, Japan, and the United States of America. His lectures spanned diverse topics encompassing astrology, Hindu astronomy, philosophy, and the rich tapestry of Indian culture.