Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders







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In Market Wizards Schwager lets you hear, in their own words, what those super traders had to say about their unprecedented successes, and he distils their responses down into a set of guiding principles you can use to become a trading star in your own right. This book also Features interviews with superstar money makers including Bruce Kovner, Richard Dennis, Paul Tudor Jones, Michel Steinhardt, Ed Seykota, Marty Schwartz, Tom Baldwin, and Tells the true stories behind sensational trading coups, including the one about the trader who turned $30,000 into $80 million, the hedge fund manager who’s averaged 30 percent returns every year for the past twenty one years, and the T bond futures trader who parlayed $25,000 into $2 billion in a single day!


There are some amazing stories here: A trader who, after wiping out several times early in his career, turned a $30,000 account into $80 million A fund manager who achieved what many thought impossible—five consecutive years of triple-digit percentage returns A trader from small-town America who started out on a shoestring and has become one of the world’s largest bond traders A former securities analyst who, during the past seven years, has realized an average monthly return of 25 percent (over 1,400 percent armualized), primarily trading stock index futures An electrical engineering graduate from МГГ whose largely computerized approach to trading has earned his accounts an astounding 250,000 percent return over a sixteen-year period.

These are but a sampling of the interviews contained in this book. In his own way, each of the traders interviewed has achieved incredible success. What sets these traders apart? Most people think that winning in the markets has something to do with finding the secret formula. The truth is that any common denominator among the traders I interviewed had more to do with attitude than approach. Some of the traders use fundamental analysis exclusively, others employ only technical analysis, and still others combine the two. Some traders operate on a time horizon measured in hours or even minutes, while others typically implement positions that they intend to hold for months or even years.

Although the trading methodologies varied widely, the forthcoming interviews reveal certain important commonalities in trading attitudes and principles. Trading provides one of the last great frontiers of opportunity in our economy. It is one of the very few ways in which an individual can start with a relatively small bankroll and actually become a multimillionaire. Of course, only a handful of individuals (such as those interviewed here) succeed in turning this feat, but at least the opportunity exists. While I hardly expect all readers of this book to transform themselves into super-traders—the world just doesn’t work that way—I believe that these thought-provoking interviews will help most serious and open-minded readers improve their personal trading performance. It may even help a select few become super-traders.


  • Taking the Mystery Out of Futures
  • The Interbank Currency Market Defined
  • Michael Marcus – Blighting Never Strikes Twice
  • Bruce Kovner-The World Trader
  • Richard Dennis-A Legend Retires
  • Paul Tudor Jones-The Art of Aggressive Trading
  • Gary Bielfeldt-Yes, They Do Trade T-Bonds in Peoria
  • Ed Seykota-Everybody Gets What They Want
  • Larry Hite-Respecting Risk
  • Michael Steinhardt-The Concept of Variant Perception
  • William O’Neil-The Art of Stock Selection
  • David Ryan-Stock Investment as a Treasure Hunt
  • Marty Schwartz-Champion Trader
  • James B. Rogers, Jr.-Buying Value and Selling Hysteria
  • Mark Weinstein-High-Percentage Trader
  • Brian Gelber-Broker Turned Trader
  • Tom Baldwin-The Fearless Pit Trader
  • Tony Saliba-“One-Lot” Triumphs*
  • Dr. Van K. Tharp-The Psychology of Trading
  • The Trade-A Personal Experience
  • Postscript-Dreams and Trading
Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders By Jack D. Schwager pdf
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