How to Judge a Horoscope (Vol 1 and 2)









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How to Judge a Horoscope is a departure from the conventional method of treatment of astrology. It is a study in the use of Horoscope in every man s daily life. The work in two volumes is divided in twelve houses, containing six each in consecutive order. The twelve houses have reference to the material relation of soul (jeeva) in its journey from the cradle to the grave.


In the study of astrology nothing is more important, more difficult and more taxing than the proper judgment of a horoscope. The twelve Bhavas or houses represent the entire history of the individual. In order to analyse a horoscope properly and thoroughly each house or Bhava should be carefully scrutinised. Sometimes it so happens that many of the principles of astrology given in even standard works do not hold good in actual charts. In such circumstances, conclusion should not be drawn that the principles of astrology are contradictory. On the other hand, a further analysis of the relations and interrelations of planets should be made.

Astrology is the most difficult of all sciences. It is neither a physical science in the sense that physics or chemistry is; nor is it metaphysical. The precision of mathematics should be harmoniously combined with the intuitive capacity of a philosopher. Consequently no hard and fast rules can be laid down for guidance, except the broad principles. In order to examine a horoscope a good deal of judgment is required.

In this book, it is proposed to deal with the twelve houses in an exhaustive manner and introduce to the reader, principles of astrology with which he may not have come across. One cannot say with any definiteness why particular events of human life are attributed to particular houses in a horoscope. For instance, the first house represents the body while the fourth rules the mother. The rationale of this allocation is still a mystery. The ancient Maharishis must have had in view some scientific basis for the allocation of all the events of human life to the twelve Bhavas or houses.

The study of illustrations (charts) makes every point even the omitted rudimentary principles and rules very clear and graspable. Vol II deals with house Seventh to Twelth.  In the Seventh House; If well placed, the native will have a charming and magnetic personality. Women will flock to him and seek him out for alliance. The wife or husband will be a just and honourable person coming from a family of reputation and social standing. If weak and afflicted, it gives a lonely life devoid of marriage and friends, and loss through marriage negotiations.

In the Eighth House : When well placed, marriage may take place with relatives or the partner may be a rich person. Affliction causes the early death of partner while the native may die in distant lands. It gives a sickly and ill-tempered wife or husband leading to estrangement and separation.  In the Ninth House: If fortified, the father may live abroad while the native may make his fortune in foreign lands. He will get an accomplished wife who will enable him to lead a righteous life. If afflicted, the father may die early. Married partner may drag the native from the right course (Dharmic) of life and he may waste away his wealth and suffer penury.

In the Tenth House : The native may flourish in a profession abroad or his career may involve constant travelling One will get a devoted and faithful wife or husband. The wife may also be employed and contribute to the native’s income. Or, she may help in the advancement of the native’s career. If afflicted, wife will be avaricious and over-ambitious but without sufficient capacity. Consequently native’s career may suffer and deteriorate.  In the Eleventh House : There may be more than one marriage or the native may associate with many women. If beneficially disposed, wife may hail from a rich background or bring in much wealth. If afflicted, the native may marry more than once, but one wife may outlive him.

In the Twelfth House: There maybe more than one marriage in the native’s life. He may marry a second time clandestinely while the first wife is still alive. Or, if afflicted, he may marry a second time after losing the first wife by death or separation. But if the affliction is severe, the wife or husband may die or separate soon after marriage and there may be no second marriage. Death may occur while travelling or abroad. If both karaka and the 7th lord are weak, the native may only dream of women but never marry. The native’s wife may hail from a servant’s family. He will be close-fisted and generally Door.


Vol 1:

  • General Introduction
  • Considerations in Judging a House
  • Determination of Longevity
  • Concerning the First House
  • Concerning the Second House
  • Concerning the Third House
  • Concerning the Fourth House
  • Concerning the Fifth House
  • Concerning the Sixth House
  • Practical Examples

Vol 2:

  • Concerning the Seventh House
  • Concerning the Eighth House
  • Concerning the Ninth House
  • Concerning the Tenth House
  • Concerning the Eleventh House
  • Concerning the Twelth House
  • Some Practical Illustrations
How to Judge a Horoscope (Volume 1 and 2) By Bangalore Venkata Raman pdf