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About the Auhtor:

Paresh Kiri has vast experience as a floor trader on the world’s second largest derivatives exchange LIFFE and as a Portfolio Manager. He is an FSA regulated investment manager.

Starting his career on the LIFFE floor in 1993, Paresh was one of the first traders to embrace screen trading, through the LIFFE online trading platform APT (Automated Pit Trading). Paresh was one of the founders of Kyte Securities. Since leaving Eden Financial in 1999, Paresh has been managing private client and institutional money, and developing very specific operational services going back to Kyte Group to assist the development of an Index Options Desk, and seeking ways of bringing the strategies he developed to the wider public audience by structuring managed accounts services using online trading platforms. Paresh regularly coaches and holds private seminars on trading the markets. He sits on the Advisory Board of Sterling Group.