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About the Author

Alan Hull is one of Australia’s leading stock market experts. Alan owned his first share when he was just eight years old. His father, also a share trader and investor bought Alan his first share. This initial encounter with the stock market proved fruitful and he has been hooked ever since. As a result of this early start in the stock market Alan learnt most of the hard lessons that many investor learn during their adult life by the time he was in his twenties.

Alan also had a keen interest in mathematics from a very young age, and he was an IT expert from the early days of personal computing. Employing this combination of skills and his experience over the past 3 decades as a share trader and investor has transformed Alan into one of Australia’s leading stock market experts. Alan is highly respected within the Australian investment industry, regularly writing articles and presenting for the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), the Australian Technical Analysts Association (ATAA), the Australian Investors Association (AIA) and the Trading and Investing Expo.